Chapter 75: The Reward of Mercy

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(Your POV)
"Cao Cao!"

"So the devil shows his true form!"

"Bring it on!"

My targets were currently Siegfried, Jeane, and Heracles, so I called Genbu to me and activated it's gauntlet form. I wanted to use Kuragame Kamikira Genbu, but it wasn't responding. I guess I need to practice more. I used the True Longinus as a glaive to try and cut Heracles in half, but Siegfried used one of his arms to pull Heracles away from the range of my swing, followed by Jeane using her rapier to try and pierce my eye, but in response I used my left eye's power to control fundamental forces to hold her in place.

"Um...Sig, Hera!" Jeane responded to her sudden predicament accordingly, and I followed this up by sending her into a nearby tree.

"I got this, I'm the strongest person here after all!" Heracles boasted as he delivered a blow to my cheek, and the force was so strong that there was a shockwave.

"You know, now I feel like I should stop saying 'Herculean strength'..." I wasn't even phased by the sudden attack. "Because If Heracles strikes this sloppily, I'll end up belittling myself."

Heracles was furious about this insult, and delivered more powerful strikes to my nose, stomach, shoulder, other cheek, and he was about to do one more, but I caught his fist midair. In response to this, I grabbed Heracles' wrist and threw him into the air before launching the True Longinus at him, piercing his shoulder in the process. I covered my arms in lightning before dodging three swords slashed from Siegfried, who was using his gray arms combined with his normal arms to wield six arms at once. I side stepped to avoid the swing before sweeping underneath Siegfried's feet and elbowing his head. I was suddenly met with Jeane using her sacred gear to create several swords from the ground, all of which appeared to be radiating a strong holy energy. I jumped up to avoid the holy swords before noticing Durandal was on the ground, so I picked the holy sword up and steam shot out of my back, sending me towards Jeane at high speeds. I slashed at Jeane, who kept back and attempted to stab my other eye, but I used my Serpent's Breath to send her flying.

"Extend." I saw the True Longinus' pole extend until it was directly in front of me, so I grabbed onto it. "Shrink."The staff shrunk, leaving me with a regular sized spear.

"Hey George, is there any chance that the Kyuubi can help us out?!" Heracles shouted while holding his arm to stop the bleeding.


The Kyuubi then focused on me and opened her mouth, causing blue fear to shoot out from it. I threw Durandal to the side so it wouldn't get damaged as I took on the flames head on, but as I did, I began to understand what made these flames different from other kinds of fire. I then weaved a couple hand signs before placing my hand on the ground, causing a dark blue magic circle to appear. From the magic circle, a familiar serpent rose up just as the flames dispersed. " finally call upon me..." Jormungandr pointed out. "You must be truly desperate to cause Ragnarok by summoning me..."

"We're in a closed space, meaning that summoning you has no negative consequences on the outside world." I informed my serpentine familiar, and it was only safe to summon him because Dimension Lost is a separate reality. "I need you to take on the Kyuubi, can you do that?"

"The Kyuubi...a worthy foe...not as much as Thor...but worth my attention..." Jormungandr's mouth appeared to be releasing mist like a fog machine. "I'll do my best...child of the sea..."With that said, Jormungandr charged at the Kyuubi as I focused my attention back onto my foes. Jeane and Heracles appeared to use their balance breakers, so I thought it would be fair to summon my own sacred gear.

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