Chapter 73: Hope is Immortal

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(Your POV)
"Everyone ready?"

"Yeah, let's do this!"

Sarah pumped her fist into the air while we all stood at the Kyoto train station, not sure why we arrived here but we honestly had no better ideas. Xenovia and Irina were wearing their church outfits, the leather ones, Rossweisse wore her armor, and I wore my military uniform, minus the boots but plus the mask. I was half tempted to track down this Dimension Lost user myself and force them to undo the separate reality or steal their sacred gear for myself, since I can probably use it if I can get my hands on it. My time for waiting was suddenly cut short by a purple mist enveloping all of us. None of us tried to fight it, but suddenly, I heard the voice of someone who shouldn't be here.

"(Y/N), I'm coming with you guys!" Kunou was suddenly seen running towards us wearing her shrine maiden outfit, and I almost had a heart attack upon seeing her running towards us.

"Wait Kunou, that is a terrible idea, go back to the Sirzechs Hotel with Azazel, he can keep you safe!" Irina shouted with worry staining her voice, not that I blame her, I would be worried as well.

"Do you really believe Azazel is capable of keeping anyone safe?" Kunou asked in a matter of fact tone, seemingly unaware of the purple mist enveloping us.

"Um...look, you should just get back to the hotel." Hua pointed in the same direction as the hotel, but it was too late, the purple mist enveloped all of us, blocking my field of view. "I hope these hero faction guys don't involve children in their warfare."

"They probably will." Jiang sighed, and then it was completely silent except for the feeling of someone clinging to my leg.

The mist completely covered my vision, and it stayed like this, with a warm feeling enveloping me, before the mist finally dispersed to reveal I was still at the train station, except it was empty. There was no one in this train station, is it possible that only I was transported here? I suddenly remembered the clinging sensation on my leg, and I looked down to notice an incredibly scared Kunou was hugging me. Looks like Kunou and I were transported together because Kunou and I were in physical contact with one another. "Kunou, you can't just rush in like that." I picked Kunou up and placed her on my shoulder just in case there were traps around. "I wonder if the others are okay."

"I'm sorry..." Kunou apologized, and in response, I merely patted her head to show her it's okay. "I just wanted to help rescue my mother, since I felt bad about making you guys do it on your own."

"It's okay, I'm sure I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes, but is there anything you can do to protect yourself?" I asked the small yokai. "If you can't protect yourself, that could be troublesome."

"I'm the kyuubi's daughter, so I can use foxfire." Kunou held her palm up, and a blue flame engulfed it. "This is just about all I can use of it though."

"Look at it this way; most races can't do that, so that's a plus." I had my seal skin wrapped around my waist, and I pointed at it. "I'm a selkie of danu, which means I can only use druidry, turn into a seal, and learn quicker. So I developed a bunch of other kinds of techniques to help me not only keep up with my opponents, but surpass them."

"Well well we'll, if it isn't the King of Hope himself."

I suddenly picked up movement from the Earth, the reason I wore no boots or socks was so I could easily sense the movement from the earth. The shadows suddenly surrounded me before turning into blades. In response, I jumped onto the ceiling and used magic strings to stitch my feet into the ceiling, the same way I did at Rias' conference. I grabbed Kunou's shirt to prevent her from falling into the shadow blades. I used my mask's thermal vision to look around the room, instantly noticing a familiar dark haired individual who was wearing sunglasses indoors. ...What was his name?

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