Chapter 42: Nekomata vs Immortal

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(Your POV)
Genbu glowed a brilliant blue color before the light slowly turned turquoise, and the weapon turned into a pair of gloves. The gloves were of a green substance that felt durable yet flexible, and it covered my arms from just below my elbow to my fingertips. There was armor resembling pieces of a black turtle shell covering the back of my hand and my forearms, but there were gaps in the armor to allow for flexibility around the joints. As the official sign for the beginning of the fighter, Kuroka grew down some kind of smoke bomb, and judging how Bikou and Kuroka avoided it, it was poison. In response to this, I activated Turtle Shell Genbu's ability.

"Careful now, this poison is said to down devils in a matter of seconds!" Kuroka doesn't see what was going on, so I waved my hand to force the winds to blow away the poison smoke. "Huh?"

"Nice trick, but I'm immune to poison." I revealed that my three friends all had mint green barriers around them, all of which were composed of transparent, hexagonal shaped, plates that left no openings. "As for Turtle Shell Genbu, it allows me to summon barriers to support allies without moving a muscle, and it also allows me to focus more on offense."

I grabbed onto the Crimson Javelin and threw it at Kuroka, but while the strike did hit and pierced her head, something felt off. I looked around me to see multiple clones of Kuroka were surrounding us, it must be Illusionary magic. It was like Kuroka had every disadvantage against me, because I managed to use my Earth Sense to find out which ones are fake or not. I got my Gae Bulg ready and took a deep breath in.

"(Y/N) Original: At the Wind's Will." I did a horizontal slash that was 180 degrees, and flute-like music could be heard for a second, but accompanying it was a wind blade that cut almost everything in front of me.

"Nice trick, but why did you name it after yourself?" Bikou asked before delivering a kick at my head from above, but I managed to parry it using my gauntlets.

"The name's still pending, and it's based off the style of the Ultimate Weapon Master, so I need to come up with a name." I explained before knocking Bikou away. "My Gae Bulg is a special weapon, similar to Excalibur, and like Excalibur, it has a unique ability called Singing Blade. When the blade is swung a certain way, it sings in a way by producing music, and when it sings, it releases a powerful technique."

"Huh?" Issei was looking at his left hand. "(Y/N), I have bad news, the boosted gear is not working!"

"I told you guys I can handle these foes, but if you insist on helping, try getting Ddraig to work." I avoided a swing from Bikou's staff before shooting my bullet upwards with an Earth elemental power. "In the meantime, you guys may wanna fly. The barriers I summoned will follow you."

Koneko, Rias, and Issei all used their wings to fly into the air while Bikou and Kuroka took up defensive positions. I used a landmine to launch myself into the air after grabbing a shovel from Mule and stayed there using my wings. Just as I took off, I saw the bullet encased in dirt-like magic before it struck the ground. With earth magic infused to it, the bullet became a kind of mortar, causing an earthquake upon impact as well as blowing up. As I fell back to the ground, I struck Bikou in the back of the head using the shovel before landing. I prepared my Gae Bulg for another song, but what Issei said caught me off guard.

"Guys, I know (Y/N) just Market Gardened someone, but apparently I need to poke Rias' boob..." Issei gave an explanation, and even Bikou and Kuroka were in shock. "I need to remember what I'm fighting for, and that thing is boobs."

"Well that's dumb." Bikou commented, and the worst part is I agreed with him full heartedly.

"I refuse to let Shirone hang around with such a pervert!" Kuroka turned the nearby tree into a giant hand and sent the hand towards us. "You're Vali's rival, so why are you so weak?"

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