Chapter 68: Kyoto

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(Your POV)
Everyone was getting ready for the trip to Kyoto, and I was going too to protect Kiba, Asia, Xenovia, and Irina, all of whom were second years. Nahele was also a second year student, but given how he's wearing a straight jacket and a muzzle, we thought the idea of sending him to school would be a bad idea. "THERE IS AN OCEAN OF BLOOD AND SO I MUST SURF IT!" Nahele was a Native American boy from somewhere in the Great Lakes region in North America. His hair was pitch black, his eyes glowed a cannibalistic yellow, black pants covered his legs, his mouth was covered with the same muzzle we use for werewolves, and his upper body was restrained in a straight jacket.

"This is why you don't do cannibalism, kids, you end up like him." Coyote pointed at Nahele. "To think just a couple years ago, he was just your average student, and now he goes around murdering everything he can."

"Are you sure we have to bring him along?" Yozakura was packing her bags, since I was not going alone to Kyoto, I was bringing Yozakura, Sarah, Souri, Jiang, Hua, Hanuman, Sang, Nico, Paul, and Nahele with me. I then noticed Sarah was applying hairspray. "Sarah, why are you applying hairspray?"

"Because if we die on this mission, I wanna die smoking hot." Sarah did a stupid pose while doing a split on the wall.

"If I die, I wanna die ugly and braless." Yozakura struck the pyrotechnician on the back of the head.

"I just wanna die." Jiang was modifying his primary weapon, which appeared to be a handaxe and a dagger connected together with a lengthy yet thin chain. "Anyhow, why are all of us going to Kyoto?"

"Asia, Irina, Xenovia, and Kiba, all four of whom are currently at school, are going to Kyoto for a school trip." Rias said while she, Akeno, Koneko hugged me tightly as I lied on the couch. "You all are entering Yokai territory, and given how we haven't formed an actual alliance with them yet, it would be better to send you guys in for now. Good news is that Rossweisse is now their teacher, so she will be there too."

"As useful as that is to know, I'm slightly distracted by the fact that all three of you are cuddling Lord (Y/N)." Hua was polishing what looked to be a glistening jian sword with a silver guard. "Why are all three of you...?"

"(Y/N)'s going to be gone for a long time, so we're recharging." Akeno answered while her face was in my chest. "I'm going to miss him the most~, so please bring him back safely."

"Of course Madame Akeno, not one hair on (Y/N)'s head will be harmed!" Souri promised while doing a bow, I didn't see any weapons on Souri's person, so I'm assuming she uses magic.

"Thank you, I'm just going to miss you so much (Y/N)." Rias intertwined her fingers with my own. "These four days will be torture without you here, so are you sure you can't just send your pieces."

"Most of the students have better things to do, after all, they have lives too you know." Anubis walked past us with a clipboard. "Us gods are pretty much banned from entering Yokai territory unless we get permission beforehand, the only exception to that rule in our room is Hanuman. Who can pass himself off as a descendant of Sun Wukong. Humans, devils, similar beings, or whatever the hell Nico is are free to enter Yokai territory so long as they don't intentionally cause destruction."

"Hohohoho!" Hanuman rolled by on one of those chairs with wheels you'd see at desks. "We're going to Kyoto?!"

"We're only allowing you to pass because you can pass as a Monkey Yokai." Anubis sweatdropped. "Plus we have yet to see what you're capable of with our own eyes, stories can easily be exaggerated."

"Are you questioning my power?" Hanuman feigned shock when he heard this, and Anubis rolled his eyes.

"No, all of us just need to prove what we're capable of." Anubis then began giving some examples. "Quetzalcoatl uses wind magic, Cernunnos can switch between plant/wildlife magic to extreme demonic power, and Sang is undoubtedly the best marksman I have ever met."

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