Chapter 61: The Rewards of Training

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(Your POV)
Two weeks later, for some reason, Odin wanted to go on a tour around Kuoh, so we kind of had no choice but to go along with it. Odin was riding in a large carriage that was being pulled by a simple horse, since Odin's eight legged horse would have drawn too much attention. The carriage was large, fitting Baraqiel, Azazel, Odin, and Issei. I assumed Issei got to ride in the carriage thanks to him being the red dragon emperor. Not that I mind though, I was currently at a vantage point that overlooked the entire town with your average M24 in my hands. The vantage point in particular was the top of a tall apartment building in Kuoh, giving me a full view of the town, except for a couple select locations. Sang, Anubis, and Rossweisse were all with me, with Sang holding a hunting rifle, Anubis with a cane that had a golden skull on it, and Rossweisse wore a business suit instead of her usual armor. All four of us decided to get to know each other so we could perform better. As for the other potential members of my peerage, namely Ayako, Onihime, Unohanna, Nico, Tojuro, Kankuro, Yozakura, and Sarah, they're all around the area. Onihime was riding a motorcycle around to check the places we can't see that well. Unohanna, Ayako, Nico, Kankuro, and Tojuro were following the chariot in my truck. Yozakura and Sarah were gods know where, maybe atop a nearby rooftop.

"Bored!" Sang laid on a generator wearing a camouflage vest open to reveal his muscular chest, his headband, camo pants, and sandals. "Why do we need to guard this guy anyways?"

"Thanks to the fact he's a god in foreign territory, if he dies, it's our heads that may roll." Anubis sat calmly on the edge of the building, overlooking the area below him. "My main problem is if my employees are capable of handling something as simple as weighing one's heart with a genuine ostrich feather."

"Since we're all together, how about we discuss each other's abilities so we can form a valid strategy against anyone who would suddenly attack us." I suggested. "For example; I specialize in endurance, versatility, and craftsmanship. My main weakness is that despite my versatility, I have to rely on tools like explosives or my items for firepower, and once I run out of tools or tricks, I'm vulnerable. Plus if someone can destroy my cover, I have to face them head on."

"I'm a little more on the simple side, I don't use magic, but I have some crazy strength and a good aim." Sang rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, I can use magic, but it's not as good as you devils or anything fancy like that, and I honestly don't like using it."

"Understandable, I'll rely more on your sniping capabilities since super strength alone is not very helpful due to the fact that everyone apparently has it." I then focused on Anubis. "What about you, Anubis?"

"Aside from the obvious, necromancy, I can judge someone's soul just by looking at them." Anubis summoned a purple flame in his palms. "I can summon my scales to judge the heart of a certain individual, and if the scales decide, they will be mummified on the spot. However, I need the heart in order for it to make it work. What's more, I will be vulnerable to outsiders, as I can only use this technique on one person at a time."

"That's a one shot technique...maybe we can utilize it." I thought to myself. "However, focus on necromancy from the backlines. We can only afford to use that technique once per battle. Our opponent is most likely to be smart, and those of us on the front lines should focus on getting the heart and take it to you, but we'd need someone who specializes in stealing for that. Luckily, that person should be on his way. Last but not least, Rossweisse, what about you?"

"I'm not strong like Anubis, but I can use magic, and I specialize in long range magic that focuses on raw power along with defense magic." Rossweisse showed me a magic circle. "It's a unique kind of norse magic I made myself. I mainly excel at ice, fire, water, lightning, wind, thunder, light, and explosive-based magic."

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