Chapter 70: Yokai Realm

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(Your POV)
After waking up to a Rossweisse's alarm, both Rossweisse and I got out of bed to get ready for the day. Wait a minute, didn't I go to sleep on the couch? Either way, I decided to wait for today, at least until I have a lead as to where Yasaka could be. I wished my familiar was one of those utility types like Rias' bat, that way I could use it to cover more ground. While Jormungandr is a nice familiar, I can't use him without causing Ragnarok, wait a minute. Fenrir was summoned and Ragnarok didn't occur, and Hel is possibly walking around somewhere, so maybe summoning Jormungandr is safe under certain circumstances. My thinking was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking, so I went over to the door and opened it, revealing Asia wearing her school uniform. "Good morning (Y/N), did I wake you up?" Asia was giving off a strong healing aura, no her aura didn't heal my wounds (if I had any), it just made me feel better and less stressed about everything. "I came by to invite you to come with me to get tea at the tea house down the street. If you want to, that is."

"I have no plans." I agreed to go with Asia, causing her to smile even brighter than she was earlier.

"Great, I'll let you get dressed before we head out!" Asia sounded excited to go get tea, or maybe she was excited to be spending time with me? I was well aware of her feelings towards me, but I still have doubts about my romantic capabilities.

After getting dressed in my school uniform, I remembered that I wasn't here as a student, so I can probably change my attire. So I decided to go with a white undershirt, a dark blue collared shirt with a hydrangea pattern on it, pants, sandals, and a scarf. How did I get these clothes? Well I saw Rossweisse change into her battle armor from her suit (and vice versa) using magic, so I was trying something similar. I think the clothes transformation magic turned out well, but then again, transmutation magic is my specialty. I exited the room to see Asia was waiting for me, and I think she expected us to go to the tea shop by ourselves, but unfortunately, people like inviting themselves. Nico joined first, followed by Xenovia, Irina, Nahele, Yozakura, Sarah, and finally Kiba. I could tell Asia was slightly annoyed by the fact that our friends will be joining us for tea. Still, Asia didn't make it clear if she was really all that mad about this development though. Some time passed, and eventually, all of us reached the tea house that was across the street from the Sirzechs hotel. The tea house had a traditional Japanese design, with the building looking like it was built back when Kyoto was the capital. Despite the old-fashioned design, the place had some modern touches, like the potted plants decorating the tables. The tea place was mainly outside, given how half the building had no walls, and the other half was walled. It was like the building's roof was too big and stretched forwards to cover the area in front of it in shade. Lucky for Asia, all the chairs were in pairs, So Asia and I did end up sitting together, the other pairs were Irina and Xenovia, Yozakura and Sarah, Kiba and Nico, and Nahele sat alone, which was for the better. After ordering our favorite kind of tea, Asia and I were left to talk about other things. It was also only us here for some reason, there appeared to be no one here other than us, which was weird.

"So...(Y/N), I know this may be awkward for you, but..." Asia was nervously pressing her fingers together. "...Did you give your first kiss to Rias?"

"This is an odd question indeed." I remember when Rias, Akeno, Xenovia all played that little game on me back at the pool. Thinking back on it now, I guess all three of them originally intended to do something dirty, but they decided not to at the last moment, and just decided to go with small gestures of affection. Rias kissed me and Akeno hugged me, it was an odd day. "I think I did, why do you ask?"

"W-Well, I was hoping to be your first..." Asia was not only embarrassed, but she also appeared to be saddened by my words. "Though it's not that surprising, Rias is way more beautiful than me."

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