Chapter 97: Bachelor Party

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(Sairaorg POV)

I was helping move some flowers inside the chapel, and I wasn't alone as I did this, my peerage was helping me, as was Ayako. I've always enjoyed Ayako's company, even though she is covered in blood half the time, I'm always ready with a towel to wipe off the blood. I was at the altar of the church, arranging the flowers while Ayako helped me. I did sneak a couple glances at Ayako, but I was careful to make sure she didn't notice me. I snuck glances at the rare moments when Ayako tied her light brown hair back into a ponytail using a royal purple cloth Kuisha gave her, and given how the ends of the ribbon were sticking up somehow, she kind of reminded me of a rabbit. Her attire consisted of a red and white striped t-shirt, some jean overalls, and blood red shoes. Of course, she still had her signature round glasses that looked like they belonged to Harry Potter.

"Hey Sairaorg, I want to put some white roses on the cross, can you lift me a bit." Ayako pointed at the statue of the crucified Jesus at the head of the church. Just by looking at it, I was getting a massive headache. "Sairaorg, are you hurt? You look to be in pain."

"I'm okay, just a downside of being a devil, I can't look at the cross or depictions of any holy beings." I rubbed the back of my neck and thought to myself, this is the first time Ayako has ever asked someone if they were okay. "How could you tell I was in pain?"

"I noticed that your eyebrows flinch whenever something hurts." Ayako informed me, and I didn't know that my eyebrows gave that away. "Your tolerance for pain may only be second to (Y/N)'s, but you still need to take care of yourself if you're hurt."

"Hearing you tell me that is pretty ironic, considering you pretty much told (Y/N) to stab me when we first met." I recalled that sign she made with her friend Onihime.

"That was before we met, and it read 'stab all the bitches', not just you." Ayako informed me as she grabbed a nearby ladder and set it up in front of the Jesus statue.

"I know, but I sat you in the crowd, since your gray streak kind of made you stand out." I pointed at Ayako's hair, which had a gray streak running through it. "Also, I've always wondered something about your gray streak, how did you get it?"

"Surgery is very stressful, and I've been doing it for a while, so my hair just naturally developed this streak." Ayako gestured to her hair as she climbed up the ladder. "I tried using hair dye to cover it up, but my hair is a unique shade of brown, and I can't find any hair dye that blends in. And people claim to want my hair color and texture, yet I see it as a curse."

"People want your hair because it's long and fluffy, plus you kind of look like Taiga for Toradora." I didn't watch anime as much as Rias does, but I do know a couple anime characters because of her.

"Heh, Baka." Ayako gave a small smile as she began arranging flowers on the statue of Jesus.

As for me, I was called over to the table Beruka was at to help him lift something. I walked over to help my knight piece carry some renaissance-style statues we just had for no apparent reason. He could have called over Gandoma or Ladora to help him out, but they were busy making sure (Y/N) didn't attempt to throw any trees at Riser. I picked up two of the statues while Baruka had trouble lifting one.

"Hey Sairaorg, I noticed how you've been talking to Ayako quite often." Baruka pointed out the obvious. "I just thought you should know that I talked to people who know Ayako and-"

"Baruka, look, you're my first knight and I appreciate your advice, but if you're about to tell me some deep dark Ayako has just because you think she's a psycho murderer, which she is, don't." I stopped my knight piece. "I enjoy being around her, and I feel happy around her."

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