Chapter 54: Dog vs Dragon

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(Your POV)
Issei attempted to strike me, but I ducked underneath his swing, and then I tried striking him, but my spear's blade was deflected by the armor. I figured this would be the case, so I decided to hold nothing back. I created a barrier to block Issei's tail that tried piercing me, then I activated a function on Junkyard Dog, and that function summoned chainsaw blades along the edges, then the blades began spinning at high speeds. The blades were suddenly coated in plasma, thanks to Huitzotlpcohli's power I infused into it, and I tried using the blades to at least damage some of Issei's armor around his heart area, and when I used the blades on his armor, I saw that I managed to create a small scratch on it. I highlighted the mark as his weak point using my mask, and while that may not be accurate, it's better than nothing.

"(Y/N) Original: Devil's Price." I used the blade of Gae Bulg to cut my wrist, and when the blood touched the blade, it turned the blade a crimson color.

I dodged a kick from Issei before slashing Issei's chest, and I managed to jab at the chest, but my spear only created a crack that was the size of a fingernail, and it's width wouldn't even let paper through. I ducked underneath another punch and rapidly spun my spear to try to damage his arm. When my blade struck the arm, another crack appeared, this one being slightly smaller than the last one. I then delivered an uppercut with the shield arm aimed towards Issei's hand, trying to cripple his hand. However, he managed to catch the shield despite the fact it was spinning. I attempted a roundhouse kick at the head despite the fact that my arm was caught, and I enhanced my kick using steam that shot out of my heel. The kick alone managed to stagger Issei for a bit, but honestly didn't do much, I didn't see so much as a dent. Good news was that he let go of Junkyard Dog. What makes this situation even worse is the fact that Devil's Price enhances the cutting properties of Gae Bulg further, almost on par with Rias' power of destruction. I jumped up to avoid Issei's kick and used River Song to enchant my blade with water, which gets stronger the more I swing. I began spinning Gae Bulg with one hand to strike Issei in the head, but I only caused a small crack in his armor. Issei's eyes glowed red, and I used Fog Horn to envelop the area in mist, allowing me to teleport behind him. I could see that fighting against Issei in a head to head battle like this, so I placed one hand on the ground and another in the air. A Druidic magic circle appeared below the hand on the ground, and Jormungandr's magic circle appeared on the other.

"Create the Depths; Doggerland." This was a combination spell, combining my druidry aoe magic with Create the Depths, I got this game changer.

A vast array of trees, bushes, and other plants emerged from the ground around me, creating thick cover all around me, and my affected area should be at 5 kilometers in radius, or roughly 2.5 miles. The tree ranged from oak, to redwoods, and even a couple coconut trees. The bushes were just as diverse, some being filled with thorns, and other having soft leaves to act as cover. Above us, a silhouette of Jormungandr looked over the battle area as ethereal fish of all colors appeared around us. The pressure was light because I only had it at Sunlight Zone, meaning it wasn't as dark, and the fish around us were the kind you'd see around coral reefs or close to the ocean. I learned to have better control over my Create the Depths spell by separating it into different zones, each zone being darker and having more pressure than the last. They also take on properties of the zones they're named after, like the pressure around us will increase to match the pressure of that respective zone, and the fish will become more mythical/dangerous the deeper I go. Good news was that these only affected the people, and weapons aren't affected by this, but they did fall slower.

I used this as an opportunity to get into cover, but not before summoning three landlines in my previous position. I also put Gae Bulg on my back and deactivated Junkyard Dog. Issei stepped back and landed on the landmines just as I entered the tree line, and I could tell Issei was going to have trouble moving. Issei stepped into one of the bushes, and the thorned branches instantly seeped through the armor to strike at the core. While they didn't do much damage, they did make Issei's movements limited and painful, plus they let a roar out as a reaction. I stopped running until I was high above on a redwood branch at least 200 meters away from Issei. I summoned my M82 and began thinking of a plan. If I fire this gun, Issei will most likely come charging towards me in retaliation, so I decided I should leave a small surprise for him. I bit my thumb and used the blood to create a small circle on the main part of the tree. I aimed my gun at the dragon and infused the bullet with wind magic, causing the bullet to have all the power of a typhoon condensed into a single point. I fired the bullet, causing a massive boom sound, and Issei found out my position right away. Unfortunately, my aim was off, and I struck a small part of the shoulder, but I did manage to chip the armor with my shot. Issei boosted his power into his legs and leaped towards me with his claws ready to kill. Keep in mind Create the Depths prevents flight, but people can swim instead or jump if they please. I placed a hand on the circle to summon the Phantom of Rage again, causing it to appear in the same fashion from earlier. The phantom of rage feeds on rage, and given how Issei was going berserk, it should come to no one's surprise that the phantom is stronger compared to my fight against the rooks.

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