Chapter 16: Pizza Time

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(Your POV)
A couple days passed since Kiba's disappearance and the two girls stayed at our house. Irina may have been a little hesitant to trust a devil, but she's started opening up after she caught me watching one of those spaghetti western films. To get the two girls to trust me more, I decided to get something called a pizza. Issei told me these kinds of foods were incredibly popular with people our age, and he would know more than me, I just ate clams, muscles, fish, crabs, and whatever else I can find. Still, this pizza thing smelled nice, and it was my turn to cook dinner, so I suppose this would be okay. I can always make something tomorrow if this doesn't count. It was dark tonight, but the moon and stars weren't visible, so I assumed there were clouds above us.

As I walked, I heard the sound of metal clashing against metal, and it sounded like a fight. I didn't want to drop the pizza, but I also wanted to help whoever was fighting. Was this what they called a dilemma? Wanting to help someone but not wanting to sacrifice what you have? I wanted to know what was so special about this thing called a pizza, yet I also wanted to help whoever was struggling. It wasn't that easy to choose who to save until a sword suddenly cut my pizza box in half, causing the now-cut pizza to fall out. I looked in the direction of the sword to see an exorcist who just lost his sword.

Welp, guess it's time for me to kick some ass.

I took out my brass knuckles, Kazekami, since I don't like walking around with Genbu on my back. I decided to gain three charges by punching my right leg, causing it to break in three places. I didn't expect it to recover immediately, but it did, and before I can figure out why, Kiba cut the exorcist in half. Leaving me with a jade scale-covered right leg that looked like a dragon's.

"Hi Kiba." I greeted awkwardly, not knowing what to do, causing the knight piece to look at me surprised.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" Kiba asked, causing me to point at the pizza with tears comically pouring out of my eyes. "You came into exorcist territory to grab a pizza?"

"I wanted to see why it was so highly praised." I answered bluntly, but then I caught onto what Kiba said. "Wait, did you say exorcist territory?"

"Oh yeah, there's an exorcist base not too far from here." Kiba informed me as a gunshot could be heard, forcing the two of us to get into a battle stance. "Sorry to drag you into this, but I doubt I can take them all on my own."

"Mind if I ask why you're going around killing exorcists?" I asked before taking another gunshot directly in the forehead, causing me to stumble as the wound began regenerating. "Ugh..."

"These exorcists know where a fragment of excalibur is, but they refuse to tell me." Kiba used his sacred gear to summon a sword in his hand. "Kill all of them, except for one."

Once I was fully healed, I used my regenerated leg's superior strength to send me towards a large group of exorcists, who were horrified by the sight of my regenerative capabilities. Once I was in the middle of the group, I punched the ground and used three charges, causing a large tornado to engulf the entire group of exorcists. The sheer force of the tornado managed to knock some of the exorcists back, but the ones who didn't get blown away plunged their swords into my back. The pain was immense, but I ignored the pain and upper cut one of the closest exorcists.

"For your own sakes, I recommend telling us where the fragment of excalibur is." I kicked another exorcist in the chest with my enhanced foot, sending him into the ground. "If you don't, we'll be forced to kill you all."

"For the last time we don't have that damn excalibur, we have no idea what you're talking about!" One of the exorcists spoke up, and something in my stomach was telling me he spoke the truth.

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