Chapter 69: Nice

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(Your POV)
A tengu Yokai used his wings to fly towards me before striking me with some kind of staff, I raised my arm up and not only blocked the staff, but the staff broke upon impact. In response to the tengu stopping in shock, I grabbed onto it's leg and spun around before chucking the tengu at a pair of fox-masked priests. I ducked underneath another tengu swooping down from above with a sword, but I uppercut the bird yokai just as it came down towards me. I would have at least gotten out my combat knife, but I was completely surrounded, meaning there's no angles I can summon from. I was forced to rely on my fists, which honestly wasn't as bad as one may expect. I suddenly dodged a pierce from one of the Fox priests I grabbed onto his wrist and raised the Fox priest above my head before throwing him into a nearby tree, breaking it upon impact.

"Sorry!" I shouted at the Fox priest before I used my bacteriologist magic to turn my left arm into a mesh of purple tentacles, snakes, centipedes, and other lengthy creeps. My arm looked to be purple and rotting, but it didn't smell, which is good because I needed to use this arm to restrain a tengu in the air. Then I slammed the tengu into the ground before returning my arm to normal.

"Don't be sorry!" Souri was above me fending off a pair of tengu using some kind of war axe. The axe itself looked to be average size, and judging from the design, it was a fairy war axe. Complete with a root-like design for the hilt while the blade looked like it was made of rainbow stained glass. "These guys attacked first, so we're only retaliating!"

"Yeah it's only fair that we do the same!" A voice came from the trees, and who else could it be but Hanuman? Hanuman ditched his disguise and was wearing his usual outfit that showed off his torso while his golden staff-like mace was at his side. "Anyhow, how much ass did I need to kick today!?"

"For someone whose saying this is for self defense, you look rather excited to be doing this..." I sweatdropped as Hanuman dropped the weighted part of his mace towards the ground and used that to balance himself upwards to dodge a sword swing from one of the Fox priests.

Hanuman dropped himself off his mace to land atop the fox priest that tried hurting him, but a tengu tried swooping down behind him with a staff in hand. Hanuman caught the staff while yawning before delivering a swift kick to the poor tengu, who barely had time to react to the sudden maneuver. The people fighting Souri weren't much better, Souri appeared to be using the axe like it was nothing, and some Fox priests tried shooting blue fire, for some reason, the fire curved around Souri like space itself was distorted, then the fire went back towards the original sender.

Back to me, I ducked underneath another sword before making a pole of earth erupt from the ground, knocking itself into the Fox priest and sending the man into a nearby tree. I raised my palm behind me, and a firework-like explosion came from my palm to strike a fox priest that got behind me before I jumped up to avoid a swing from another sword. I delivered a kick to the face of the Fox priests as I sent a wave of water towards the priest using my right hand, causing the water to change properties to a more dream-like design.

"It's the King of Hope!" One of the Fox priests recognized my technique on the spot and realized who I was, was using my right arm really that important? Now that I think about it, there is no one else capable of using this arm's power, since the original host is dead. "Lady Kunou, what should we do?"

"W-We must retreat and treat the wounded!" Kunou, who appeared to be the small blonde child, officially ordered a retreat, which I was grateful for.

There was a gust of wind, then all of the Yokai appeared to disappear into thin air, with the exception being the one Hanuman had in a headlock. Hanuman was about to punch the poor tengu's lights out, but I stopped him because I didn't want the tengu to get hurt. Wait, why was I protecting the tengu? He was trying to hurt me earlier? "Wait, Hanuman, he's not a threat anymore." I had Hanuman undo his head lock on the now unconscious Yokai. I summoned a thermos from behind my back, filled with Vitra, to help heal the tengu. I opened the tengu's lips and poured the glowing pink liquid down his throat, and the crow-like Yokai's eyes began opening.

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