Chapter 26: One Man Army

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(Your POV)
"They sent one guy to fight us?!" One if the wizards asked as I looked up and saw Vali flying overhead, and I understood right away that he just wanted to see what I was capable of.

"Fog Horn." I took a step forward, and mist erupted from where I took the step, rapidly creating enough cover for me to work with, and I quickly hid my bag full of explosives because I knew I wouldn't need them for these men, but I grabbed a pair of grenades.

Using the mist as cover, I dashed from place to place, careful to move incredibly slow when the wizards could see me. I only moved fast when I was 100% invisible to them, and unlucky for my opponents, I could see perfectly well in the mist. I got my combat knife ready since using my assault rifle will give away my position. I looked at a nearby wizard and dashed towards him, careful to stay behind him before kicking in the knees with my foot and covering his mouth with my hand, I stabbed both his eyes using my combat knife.

"GYAH!" The person let out a scream of pain as I pulled a grenade out of my pocket and pulled the pin before jumping back and dropping it at the man's feet.

Multiple wizards came from all directions to help their now blinded friend, I needed to injure him so he'd lure the other wizards towards his position and I needed him blind as to not warn the others about the grenade. The wizards came rushing from all directions, and I counted at least twenty of them before an explosion engulfed them, damaging a couple and severely injuring the rest. I was only using one talent at that time, so I wonder what happens if I use all of them in conjunction with one another?

My time for reason was cut short when a pillar of flames completely engulfed me, and caused the grenades in my pocket to explode. I managed to throw my assault rifle before it could be rendered unusable, but the flames were still there. Even I was in pain, but my immortality prevented death from touching me, even when my skin was burnt off and my muscles were exposed to be charred to the same color as coal, I remained standing. When the flames dispersed, nothing but my charcoal-like body remained, and it revealed my teeth because my lips were burned off, and my eyes because my eyelids were burnt as well. Luckily, unfortunately, my desert eagle was melted, as was my combat knife. To make things even worse, my clothes, ears, nose, and everything else that doesn't have bones was burnt off as well. Good news was that my boots were a little scorched, but remained otherwise okay.

"Is he dead?" The wizard asked as the mist began disappearing, allowing everyone to gaze at me in shock. "How is he still standing?!"

"I will never matter how many times you tear me apart...I will be everyone's shield." I spoke the moment my tongue was able to move, despite being charred.

I was slightly slouched as my skin began growing back originating from my heart, the onlooking wizards were mortified. It was like watching mold take over a wall, and some of the onlookers were disgusted. My selkie coat also grew back along with my skin, but the cloak appeared all around my body, like I put it on. My nose, ears, and manhood also regenerated too, but due to my coat lacking a zipper, my entire body was basically put on full display, now covered in jade scales now that they've regenerated. I looked around and noticed that some of the wizards had a rope around his waist, so I leaped forward using my enhanced body and put my hand on the face of the wizard before slamming downwards, full force to create a dust cloud.

I removed my hand and grabbed the rope around the man's waist and wrapped the rope around my own waist, holding my cloak in place to prevent my manhood from at least being exposed unless they look under my cloak or I kick too high. When the dust cleared, I stood tall to turn my head slightly to glare at the remaining opponents. I held up my hands in a stance Issei showed me from a game called 'Devil May Weep' or something? I think this stance is called the royal guard stance? I heard it makes me look cool, so I'm doing it.

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