Chapter 71: The Unstoppable Spear against the Unwavering Shield

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(Your POV)
After our meeting, we students decided to go explore Kyoto a bit more, but this time, we brought Kunou along so we could try and get her mind off things. What better place to spend the afternoon than at Togetsukyou, which was a great bridge overlooking a river while hills surrounded us. These hills were covered in trees that had crimson red leaves, giving me a strong autumn feel. There were also a couple gift shops nearby, where everyone except Yozakura, Kiba, and I was buying stuff from. I looked up at the sky and noticed how the sun was beating down on us. Why did our trip have to be this week? It's rather hot this week. "So this is the Togetsukyou bridge, it's quite large don't you think?" Kiba asked as all three of us held a bottle of water in our hands.

"For a place like this, I'm surprised there's no supernatural stuff about it." Yozakura was looking up intel on this bridge, does she feel the need to constantly scout ahead with information for every little thing we do? "Just a small legend, but that's entirely rumor and bad statistics. Why can't people see that the legend about this bridge is just a baseless rumor?"

"Not everything is 100% serious, some people just like doing these things for laughs." Kiba looked over Yozakura's shoulder. "Huh, apparently if you or your partner look behind yourself while crossing the bridge, it will make you two break up."

"What an overly specific magic." I was scanning the scrolls Jiraiya and Tsunade sent me so I could learn some summoning magic. So far my only really effective magic is alteration magic, so a conjuration focused magic could be useful.

"It's not magic, it's just something people made up." Kunou was walking towards us from the bench with a small basket, and she was wearing her usual shrine outfit. "That rumor started when a couple walked on the bridge, and the husband was looking over his shoulders the entire time. When the two got off the bridge, a third woman came out of nowhere and claimed the man was cheating on her. Needless to say, the man's girlfriend broke up with him."

"Great, so such a stupid rumor started because of a god damn soap opera." Yozakura doesn't appear to like anything romantic, I wonder what the deal with that was. Scratch that, they appeared to make her nervous...Rias told me one time to not ask people about things that make them uncomfortable in public, so I'll wait before asking her. "I can't understand why we're just standing around here doing nothing when the kyuubi is in danger."

"An overused blade is a useless blade, besides, we can't do anything right now." I reminded the girl, given how Kiba's familiar is the only useful one right now, we had no choice but to wait for something, anything really.

"So we're basically stuck in tourist mode?" Yozakura asked, and I nodded in response to this. "Well this sucks. Wait a minute, where's Nahele?"

"He's down by the river, trying to bite the fish." Kiba pointed down towards the river below the bridge, where I saw Nahele attempting to grab onto a fish with his mouth. "Even though he has his muzzle on..."

"I'm curious as to how he became a wendigo though." I spoke my mind about Nahele. "Usually a person becomes a wendigo through cannibalism, meaning Nahele must have eaten someone, so I want to know what happened in his past that forced him into cannibalism. I'm guessing desperation."

"I'll look into his files later." Yozakura promised as the rest of our group started walking towards us from the gift shop. "Finally, they're done."

"Guys, let's walk on the bridge!" Sarah seemed to be overly enthusiastic about walking on the bridge. "Yozakura, don't you dare look behind us or I'ma be pissed."

"But what if there's an assassin?" Yozakura questioned, and in response, I pointed at the water.

"Who would be dumb enough to attack a water user on top of a river?" I asked, and while it wasn't an ocean, water is water, and I can use it. "Plus I can control the plant life around us using druidry, as well as the rocks beneath our feet."

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