Chapter 32: Four Treasures

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(Your POV)
I was currently looking at myself in the reflective window of a shop. I was wearing a loose white shirt, a dark blue coat with black fur on the inside, jeans, my usual boots, and a baseball cap that displayed a seal's face on it with a smile. I had to take off all my weaponry so as to not draw any attention, but Mule was able to carry everything and was currently jumping from rooftop to rooftop, somehow not being noticed by anyone as it did so. To ensure I wasn't entirely defenseless, I had the knife I got from Iguri in my boot and my Sauer hidden underneath my shirt. Dagda walked beside me, taking in the sunlight of the dawn. Dagda was kicked out of every strip club in town for drinking all of their alcohol, so the two of us had to talk somewhere else. As for where that place was, well we decided to go talk in the park. To get there, we had to walk through a small town.

"'re working under this Issei fellow who's under Rias, so you have to follow her too?" Dagda asked since I decided to share my reason for obtaining immortality in the first place, careful to leave out supernatural parts. "Sounds bad working until the Devil Company."

"I willingly joined out of desperation for a purpose." I explained, we were careful to describe the three factions as companies to make sure we don't raise suspicions. "I've been learning new skills, making this little 'issue' I have an unnecessary boost as well as a hindrance."

"Gotcha." Dagda looked around the town for a bit. "Living forever has its downsides, and in my opinion, it's pretty cowardly of you to have this power."

"Cowardly?" I was confused, I didn't see this power as cowardly. "Could you elaborate a bit more?"

"If you will never die, then that's bullshit." Dagda stayed, and he sounded like a child. "If you have nothing to fear, why bother fighting at all? You know you're going to win no matter what, and there's fun in that. A fight is meant to decide justice and show us the true faces, but you, you're no longer a man worth fighting. On top of that, you've held yourself back even before you became immortal."

"You noticed that?" I asked, and Dagda nodded to show that he did indeed notice I'm always holding back.

"Indeed I did, and I know why, you're scared of your full potential." Dagda pointed out as we reached the empty park. "Great, now that we're here, we can discuss how to get the four sacred treasures back. Though since you're trying to remove your immortality, how about we train you a bit?"

"Training?" I raised an eyebrow, I was supposed to start training next week.  "What do you have in mind?"

"Well Solais is in possession of some fallen angels, the Crimson Javelin was taken by some exorcists, and the Cauldron of Plenty is in the possession of a witch." Dagda explained, so at least he knows where they are. "You know how RPGs rating games have types, like power, wizard, technique, and support? Well you have to use a technique fighting style against the witch, a power style against the exorcists, and a wizard one against the fallen angels. No using immortality though."

"Seems reasonable."

(Timeskip, brought to you by a sword flying by the camera)

It was dusk since it took a long while for Dagda to find the fallen angels's secret base, which was a church that looks like it walks on the brink of collapse any minute now. I was holding my spellbook and nothing else, since I was told to use only magic for the fallen angels. I placed my hand on the ground, creating two clones made of rock to encircle the church before animating the ground, causing a hole to appear, leading to an underground cavern below the church. I didn't ask too many questions and used the same spell I used last month to fill the pool with water, but this time I'm using it to fill the underground cavern with water. In response to this, a single fallen angel flew into the air. His skin was pale as snow, their hair was like charcoal, their attire consisted of a leather jacket opened to reveal his chest, tight leather pants, and dancing shoes. In his clasp was a glowing sword that was radiating an aura like the aurora borealis.

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