#16 True friends

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Why is she dreaming of Shiva?

But then if they're in school again, and the two of them are rehearsing a 'Kathakali' performance for the annual day, and that too right before the year they got separated... then it's no longer a dream but a memory.

Such a sweet, precious memory it is.

And Akshara is reliving every bit of it. It's almost as if she's teleported there-- her current self watching the events as they unfold.

Twelve year old Shiva looked effortlessly charming and traditional, even under the layers of makeup painted on his face and the elaborate outfit cut out for the 'hero'.

He was playing Krishna. And was 'paccha'.

Green suited him.

Little Akshara couldn't help but sneak glances at him, smiling to herself while her own face was being painted yellow.

Often he'd look her way and flash her the same smile. And it made her smile wider.

Why... she was only a child... so why couldn't she look away?

Was it only coincidence that she was Rukmini?


Their act began to a roaring uproar. While Shiva was a picture of confidence, she had been a ball of nerves.

Oh well, Kathakali couldn't be for everyone.

The pre drama jitters wouldn't go away.

Shiva delivered his lines and danced with grace. He just talked to Balarama. Krishna talked to Balarama. And soon it would be her turn.



"Breathe," Shiva said arriving on the backstage.

His voice had startled Akshara, but it brought a sense of peace.

Her hand was then in his, as he soothed it down with his warm touch.

"Remember... We practised this... We got this..."

Little Akshara nodded. He had this leadership streak from a very young age, didn't he?

And he had no stage fright... He's always been so brave...

His smile was what soothed her nerves that day.



Akshara can see it with her eyes, clearly now-- the beauty of his smile, and the strength of their bond.



Shiva was a non Keralite, and they were only a bunch of naive kids.

Yet they had to give it their best. Menon sir, their arts and dance teacher wouldn't have it any other way.

When the curtains were down on their act, their parents and teachers were only enthralled.

There were other acts, performances but their team had to emerge victorious.

The golden cup in Shiva's hands was the proof of all their hard work. And when he pressed into her hands, it was a symbol of their friendship.

Akshara sees her younger self clinging to Shiva on the stage, trophy in hands and waving at the onlookers.


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