#30 Everything feels right when we're together...

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AN: Finally an Update! It's been a crazy few weeks of lots of stressful events and here I am... Ah, I feel good like this! Thank you for waiting! and sorry for the wait!


Shiva looks into the flames of the bonfire made by the locals, listening to the tales of the mountains they have to share, joining the chorus every so often when they sing a familiar folk song. He doesn't remember having this much fun after being on a mission involving the Ganesans. Not that he's a fun-loving guy, but he's always put his duty 1st.

Maybe Akshara's sudden appearance is the reason he's being himself! What a fun day it had been, and it's all thanks to Sweety!

As much as he's thrilled, he can't forget how her life was in danger. He will save her, no matter what.

Poor Sweety! Just doing her job put those MLA's goons behind her back

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Poor Sweety! Just doing her job put those MLA's goons behind her back. And she still has work to do here in Uttarakhand. After the hard day of walking around the forest and being battered by the rain, she needed a warm bed. The meagre lodgings aren't luxurious, and the charpai isn't exactly the cosiest bed one can have, but it's still something.

She looked ready to protest, but he shut her up using some stupid logic. And now he wonders what might be running through her head.

Shiva turns his head to look at the lodgings. The minimalistic house which is his lodging is flanked by similar-looking houses within his view. He can monitor Sweety from here, he thinks, and that's when he notices her presence near the window.

Is she looking at him?

He can't see her face exactly, but if she's going to convince him to sleep inside, he has every excuse to turn her down.


Morning comes soon enough. The locals scattered to attend their duties around dawn, leaving behind just Shiva near the pile of ashes, the remnants of a once roaring bonfire.

Shiva rises to his feet, dusting his cargos, and pulling his winter jacket a little tighter around him. Now that there's no warmth of the fire, his hands are cold, and a little numb.

Maybe he can have some chai with Sweety?

Akshara must have been tired. She hasn't come outside to talk to him once, and she still seems to be asleep.

"Akshu? Sweety?"

Shiva knocks on the door thrice, ten times, but there's no response. There's no way some danger had befallen her. He's been keeping watch, so this means that she's sleeping like a log!

He checks his watch. Is 8 am too early for her? Just when he thinks he should come back later, the door opens.

A half-sleeping Akshara clad in her lemon-themed PJs stands looking at him for a moment.

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