#17 Lost and Guilty

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Shiva returns to the small home he rented in Dhandera, the same town that's home to the Ganesan family now.

Samridhi is a great girl.

Shiva could tell just from their first meet

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Shiva could tell just from their first meet. She's sweet, funny. She cares for her family a lot. In fact she openly admitted that the matchmaking thing is forced by her Amma. The girl is always dedicated to her duty, and is a good doctor.

Duty-- his as an army officer, and hers as a doctor had been what comprised their conversation.

Yes. Duty always comes first. Shiva can never forget that it does.

Whatever he's doing, it's all in the name of his duty.

But is this ethical?

Samridhi agreed to marry him. Her mother right away called him a son in law. The ladies are sweet, innocent. Theirs is a sweet family.

Shiva sighs plopping down on his not so comfortable bed

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Shiva sighs plopping down on his not so comfortable bed. His mission is still on. He can't forget. He has to get back to working on it.

But there's that nagging feeling again! Is this still the correct way of tackling the mission?

Cheating, playing with someone's emotions isn't something Shiva can do for the sake of his country.

Sure, he deceived people in various guises, but he only did that to bad guys-- and it was mainly to get information out of them.

But this time it's different. And as much as it pains him, right now it seems to be the only way to get closer to the Ganesan family.

Shiva lets out a cry of frustration checking his calls. His informer didn't call, but Samridhi's mother did.

He dials up the lady's number. Three rings, the lady answers in a cheerful voice.

"Shiva! You should be here for dinner-- Do you think you can bring your parents? Can you come tonight?"

Clutching his mobile phone to his ear with one hand, Shiva buries his face in another.

"Amma, I... my parents are kind of busy now. And I'm... I'm still a soldier... I'm sorry, I can't come today."

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