#56 Life is a battlefield

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Arjun has been grinning, looking at their viral video for a while now. It's something he does whenever they are on a break from work these days. Tonight is no different.

Akshara smiles, glancing at him and back at the video playing on his tablet.

Akshara smiles, glancing at him and back at the video playing on his tablet

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This happened a week ago when they were out doing a live broadcast. They were reporting the weather and traffic as there wasn't much to do.

Towards the end of the broadcast, she saw a group of kids pelting stones at a pack of dogs. That was cruelty against animals. She couldn't stay calm witnessing that.

A couple of grown men and women — the kids' guardians or parents were also nearby, watching. Neither of them was stopping their kids from messing with the poor animals.

The amused expressions on their faces irked her and before she knew it, she was yelling at them, unaware that Arjun had turned his camera towards her, recording the entire argument that was about to take place.

"Is this what you teach your kids? Why don't you teach them to be kind to animals? It's different when you are resorting to violence in case of self-defence but hurting an innocent being is a crime."

One parent clicked his tongue. "And who are you? Just a nosy reporter?"

"Yes, nosy when I see a crime. I am a responsible citizen. Ninety percent may think nothing of what's happening around them, think that's not their business, but the rest of us care about their country. The behavioural etiquette you teach your kids is vital in their growth and in the country's."

She heard a whistle after she delivered her speech. It was Arjun, screaming out of joy, hailing slogans, praising what she did.

"Wonderful!" he shouted. "Just wonderful, Go get them, Akshu!"

The parents made faces, muttered something about the press being a nuisance and walked away, dragging their kids. Arjun was still for a good minute, camera poised. She turned his way, noticing for the first time that everything that happened just went on air.

Arjun's cheery laughter and his shouts got recorded and were broadcasted.

And that is the very clip that has gone viral now. She has become a champion of animals. The Blue Cross recently asked her to work with them on a charity drive. Arjun was quite keen on joining so that ended on a positive note.

Akshara doesn't think she deserves medals or be honoured or think that her video should go viral. She only stated the facts, and that shouldn't have earned her this much attention and appreciation but she is glad for both of them.

Shaking her head she looks at Arjun who looks very cheerful once again eyeing the video. Well, it made Arjun happy. Another reason she's glad.

"We are famous," Arjun says, grinning from ear to ear, but frowns suddenly. "Wait, I should've shown my face on the camera. Oh yeah, but there is still my voice and maybe girls are going gaga over it, han?"

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