#68 Evergreen love...

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The following morning, Samridhi is a mess, having barely gotten a wink of sleep. At sharp eight, she makes herself presentable and arrives downstairs.

Amma's worried voice rings in the kitchen as she lays down breakfast for everyone. Upma and Uthappam. "Why hasn't Dhruva poked his head in?"

Then her eyes find Samridhi. "Ridhi! Check on him and get him here! Quick! So strange just yesterday Adit told me he's sick. What if he got more sick?"

Sick? More like drunk, Amma, thinks Samridhi

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Sick? More like drunk, Amma, thinks Samridhi. So drunk he won't remember that kiss. Whether or not he remembers, how do I face him after that? Ugh... Live with it, Ridhi.

His room is empty. The door to his wardrobe is open, half the clothes strewn haphazardly across his bed. A folded note rests on his bedside table. The paintings and furnishings are intact, but his important belongings are gone.

An indescribable chill grips Samridhi as she reads his note written in Tamil. That perfect penmanship of his is both a sight to appreciate and not. Words like poetry. He expresses his heart-felt thanks to Amma and everyone in the house. Talks of the bizarre circumstances that have pushed him out. Does't label anyone but fate as his culprit. Describes his happiness here and the fragile hope he carries in his heart — he may return to them one day and they'd be family again.

 Describes his happiness here and the fragile hope he carries in his heart — he may return to them one day and they'd be family again

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He's gone... A tear slips out the corner of Samridhi's eye, trailing down her cheek as she rereads the note. Just yesterday she got to know he felt the same. They kissed, though it was totally unexpected. And this happens today? This was once her preferred outcome but not anymore. She always had a hunch she'd feel broken at the end of this chain of events. Broken isn't the word. Devastated maybe.

Brushing off her tears, she pockets the note and pulls out her smartphone. The call she places to reach Shiva goes to voicemail. "Shiva... Samridhi here. Dhruva is gone. We don't need to fake our engagement anymore. Thank you for all your help. And sorry for all the trouble I caused you."

She swallows as she hangs up, berating herself how she sounded so thick and stricken. Her face scrunches in horror as she hangs up and turns around.

Standing in the doorway, meeting her gaze, is Amma, her features taut, reflecting uncontrollable anger. No, Ridhi, the worst of your fears can't come true like this! Amma didn't hear what you said!

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