#29 Close to You

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Note: Slightly edited chapter 17. Ak doesn't realize fully that she loves Shiva.


Akshara walks through the streets of Dhandera taking in the rustic sights of the Himalayan town. Hand-drawn rickshaws, people warmly clothed, little shops selling trinkets, tourists some foreign and some native, sparse but still making their presence known.

Is she in love with Shiva? It's safe to assume that she's here solely to find an answer to the question, but it's not entirely correct. She's here because Editor Saab is adamant about featuring an interview with Shiva on the channel. She's here to accomplish the same purpose. Arjun is preoccupied with something else, but the Editor Saab has lost his patience, which is why she's alone here now, already feeling a little lonely without her other best friend walking next to her.

Who is a best friend actually? She has a couple of guys who are also her best friends but, Shiva is special, isn't he?

Does this mean she loves him, what's love exactly- admiration, adoration above anything else? And respect? She feels a whole lot of that and more for Shiva.

Does this mean she loves him, what's love exactly- admiration, adoration above anything else? And respect? She feels a whole lot of that and more for Shiva

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How does she find that man in Dhandera? It doesn't matter if she can't feature his interview, if she gets to see him once that would be enough. Maybe she can call him and arrange a little meeting?

She pulls her smartphone out of her handbag and moves along the streets when a speeding car zooms past her. Luckily she stepped out of the way in time, else she'd have been hit.

She heaves a sigh of relief and continues walking, scrolling through the map to get an idea of the layout of the town.

At that moment she hears the whirring of an engine again, it's coming from behind her now. She turns around and to her horror, the same car is speeding towards her now, a shiny black SUV of some sort.

She dodges out of the way again, watching in shock as the car takes a reverse turn and comes to her again.

What the-

Someone is trying to hit and run over her?

Panic grips her heart. Will she die before she can even see Shiva?

She grips her phone together frantically looking at her phone to pull out Shiva's contact.

Just then strong arms pull her into an alleyway. Akshara looks at her savior. To much of her disbelief, it's Shiva! She only has a glimpse of that handsome face of his. He presses her head into his chest and holds her close. Part of her wants to believe all this is another crazy dream, but his presence, his warmth everything feels real.

"First me... and now you... what's happening here?"

 what's happening here?"

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