#25 Can we be like this forever?

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As much enchanting, his friendship still feels like an illusion. He's afraid that he'd blink, and the dream would end.

In a room meant for the staff at Dariwala's, Dhruva sits on a sofa, musing about random things.


The voice ringing out on the gym's PA speakers belongs to Shakti Master. Dhruva's shoulders jump a little. He's supposed to handle classes. Break time should be over and a new batch of students must already be in the practice room awaiting their instructor. And he's still here...

"Dhruva, if you won't be here in a minute

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"Dhruva, if you won't be here in a minute...''

Shakti Master's voice isn't a friendly reminder, but a threatening growl. Dhruva rises from his seat and breaks into a run, his legs carrying him to where he's supposed to be.

He never loses track of time like this. What's wrong with him today?

Heart full of regret as he steps into the practice room. He's the only one who's late. Akku is there, already donning the role of the assistant.

"There you are, Dhruva!"

Shakti Master doesn't look cross, just simply throws an exasperated look his way. But Dhruva can't relax yet and struggles to maintain eye contact.

 But Dhruva can't relax yet and struggles to maintain eye contact

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"Ah, I should leave now. Look after the students for me now, Dhruva. Don't forget to watch over the championship students later..."

Shakti Master smiles a little as he leaves. Dhruva can breathe normally only after the man is gone.

A chorus of sighs fills the space as everybody relaxes. After initial greetings, Dhruva urges the students to begin warmups and heaves a sigh.

Nobody usually speaks unless absolutely necessary when the class is in progress, but now a familiar voice calls for his attention.

"Master, will you teach me again?"

That sweet, feminine voice belongs to Ridhi. Dhruva's shoulders twitch a little. He whirls around, and sure enough, finds the girl standing by the doorway. Clad in her gym attire - a loose knee-length top and tights, and with her hair tied up in a pony, she looks like any other girl of her age, coming to the gym to learn martial arts.

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