Epilogue #4

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A balmy morning breeze wafts around the lush, spacious Krishnan Villa's garden. Dhruva and Samridhi are on the swing in the gazebo, savouring the tranquil ambiance of birds chirping, metal creaking. Dhruva's eyes are fixed on the novel they read together, unless he gazes at his beautiful companion's face and its myriad expressions.

Morning transitions to noon, with the last pages swiftly turned. Just one remains. While half of their activities aren't to his liking, he still considers them perfect as they allow for quality time together. They are much needed, just like fresh air.

Reading together has its perks. Samridhi slowly curls into him and he gets to put his arm around her shoulders or brush her hair. Of course, he follows the story. The novel revolves around two foolish protagonists deeply in love, yet their lives are plagued by constant misunderstandings and similar obstacles.

"They are so dumb. Hey, that's us!"

Samridhi lifts her head from Dhruva's shoulders after hearing his sudden outburst. Dhruva appears sheepish after his outburst.

"We're dumb?"

She quirks an eyebrow. The confidence soon returns to his eyes.

"Very much."


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"Haha. You may be right. Maybe we should write our story as a novel." She crinkles her nose. "Like Sakshi once suggested."

He hums, briefly looking away before meeting her gaze. "That would be the worst selling one."


She blinks in bewilderment. He leans his face towards her, a smirk on his lips.

"There's no romance. Who reads books without romance? There should be romance."

"Uh huh..."

Samridhi smiles, albeit coyly, as Dhruva leans towards her with a rakish grin on his face. She blocks his attempt to kiss her with the book.

"Amazing." Dhruva withdraws with a sigh, wiping his lips that inadvertently touched the book's surface. "I got to kiss the book."

Samridhi laughs. It's wonderful she gets to be with Dhruva like this. These past two months have been unreal. All her life, she thought Amma wouldn't approve of this. Dhruva wouldn't love her like this. But what a fool she had been. Like Dhruva said, dumb. He said they both were dumb, but it's mostly her. She misled him with her schemes and overthinking. He still found a way to her heart and uncovered the truth about their love.

The countless moments they've been sharing are slowly but surely taking a romantic turn. This might only be the beginning. Dhruva is still sulking. She kisses him on the cheek to compensate.

He looks faintly surprised but mighty pleased. He brings his arms around her and they look at each other. Someone nearby coughs.

"Ramu Mama!" They both pull away in unison, only to hear the older man say, "Dhruva, baba, if you water the plants twice a day, I won't interrupt you."

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