Q & A

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@its_analisaespinosa_ asks
Do you have a secret talent?
Umm kinda lol. See I do ballet and a lot of people don't know so I guess that's a secret talent?

@biexburbae asks
What's your favorite book?
Definitely the Harry Potter series. I've at least read it 3 times.

@SoulfulDirectioner asks
What's your favorite color?

@SoulfulDirectioner asks again
What's your favorite imagine that you've written?
Probably the cheater parts 1,2,3. It's only the oblivious. And you left me hanging. But other wise I love writing for you all! :)

@Samxo asks
When did you start liking Matt?
Last February!!

@Samxo asks again
What made you to start writing and uploading on here?
I don't know really. I just always loved to write and I wanted to make my writing better. So why not write for someone I love!?

@Mattsbabe asks
Favorite artist?
Justin Bieber & Michael Jackson!

@Bri_09 asks
What's your Twitter?
@mattsmarsh you should follow meh cuz I'm pretty cool (not really)

@toxicmatthew asks
How old are you?
15 turning 16 on May 4th!

@mattsviner1 asks
What's your name?

@mattsviner1 asks again
What do you look like lol?
Haha lmao I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and I have white/tan skin. Kinda boring!

@BeutifulTragity asks
What's the imagine in this book your most proud of?
I have favorites, but I don't think I have one where I'm most proud of. I love them all really, but I love to look at my first imagines and than my latest. To see how my writing matures :) wow that sounded cheesy af

@BeautifulTragity asks again
And have you ever had a potato fly around your room?
Tf is a potato?

@BeautifulTragity asks again
What's your favorite food?
Anything buffalo chicken! BUT I LOVE EVERYTHING SO!

@BeautifulTragity asks again
Do you love Mahogany like me!?

@BeautifulTragity asks again
What's your thoughts on Madison Beer?
Okay this is gunna be hella long but oh wellll. See she is really pretty and has a pretty voice. Butttt I feel like she can't do shit. Like the songs she produces are okay. And she needs to back the fuck off of being with Gilinsky... I mean if they make one another happy fine idc. But she goes with every boy!? First Nash, than Cam, and now Gilinsky. I feel she is a fuckgirl lmaooooooo if that is a thing. Otherwise idc what she doesn't because I personally don't know her though if I had to say something. That's what I'd say ^

@Hater101 says
Yor writting suks
What happened to your grammar?¿

@Maria_Samuels says
I wasted my time reading your imagines. The writing is dry and terrible.
I don't remember asking for your input on my book so.

@Matthew123 asks
Who's your top three favs out of the boys?
1. Matthew
2. The Jacks (yes I count them as one because they wouldn't be the Jacks without the other Jack)
3. Cameron or Nash (I like them both a lot so it's hard to choose)

@Matthew123 asks again
Have you ever met one of them?
I actually had tickets to see them at MagCon New Jersey.... But something happened with family and I had to give them to my cousins :(

@Matthew124 asks again
Why is Matt your favorite?
I love his out take on life and use of words. He is so inspiring by his actions. I can just get lost in my thought thinking about him. Matt is so funny and goofy too I love it! It reminds me of myself a lot so I guess I can relate! But yeah he's a groovy dude.

Andddd that is the end of my Q & A!!! I hope you liked it and learned something different about me! As for you I loved learning to know you all!

For the haters lol maybe you shouldn't judge on my writing considering you don't have any works posted ;)

Thanks for all the people dming the questions and commenting them! I had so fun answering them! Love you all dearly!

If you guys liked this maybe in the near future I'll do another!! Okay byeee :)

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now