Calm down

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[ Ariana's P.O.V. ]

I was completely stressed out. Today I had a had to give a presentation at work. I thought it went well, all except for my boss. He said it looked "put together last minute" and "unfinished". When in reality I've been planning this presentation for the past 4 months.

All I wanted to do when I got home was take a warm shower and cuddle with Matt. My ankles were killing me from these heels. I let out a huff as I opened the door kicking my heels off. I threw my purse on the floor not caring if everything it in went all over.

"Matt I'm home", I shouted limping into the living room. I walked into the living room to see Matt sitting on my couch on his phone. I made my way over to where he was sitting, leaning over the back of the couch kissing his cheek.

"Hey babe", I cooed wrapping my arms around his neck. "Whatca doing", I asked looking at his phone.

"I'm just on twitter", he said irritated as he pushed my arms off standing up.

"What's wrong", I asked as my body tensed. Did I do something wrong?

"It's nothing", he spat walking over to the refrigerator completely blowing me off.

"It's obviously nothing if your ignoring me", I sighed leaning on one foot as I crossed my arms.

"It's nothing I said", he screamed slamming his fist off the counter.

I flinched as his fist hit the counter. Matt never screams at me. He knows how much I hate getting screamed at.

"Just tell me", I squeaked afraid that he was going to scream again.

"You didn't even call or text at all today! It's 11:45 Ariana!!! I was worried sick!", he screamed once again.

"I was at work all day Matthew!! Sorry I can't be with you 24/7!", I shouted back trying to push past him to get ice for my ankles.

"What do you need", he spat looking down at me.

Matt was always taller then me, which made me feel even more afraid of him now. We never fought this bad. I don't even understand why he is even getting mad at me?

"I need ice for my ankles now if you would excuse me", I shot back in a bitchy tone. Quickly I pushed past Matt grabbing a ice pack before limping back towards the living room.

As I was making my way over to the living room, my legs gave out causing my left temple to make contact with the corner of the island, making me fall as I grunted in pain. I looked up and everything was blurry, Matt came rushing over shouting my name as tears poured out of his eyes before everything went black.


*Beep beep beep*

I heard the heart monitor next to me. Where am I? I opened my eyes to see a tube going into my right arm and two tubes into my nose. To my left there was a nurse giving me more medicine. Across the room laid Matt curled up into a ball crying.

"Umm", my voice cracked as I made my best attempt to speak.

The nurse and Matt looked at me wide eyed as Matt came darting over. Quickly he grabbed my hand kissing it repeatedly as more tears streamed down his face. I couldn't remember what happened until I felt the bumps of stitches on my left temple.

My legs have out causing me too fall.

I looked back over at Matt his hair was in multiple knots, countless bags were underneath his eyes as I tried counting them. It looked as if he hasn't slept in months.

"I-I", was all I could choke out before I started to ball.

"Ariana I am so sorry. I don't know what got into me. I-I I such a idiot. I almost lost you!", he began to shake violently pulling the ends of his hair crying.

"It's okay", I replied simply as a tear slid from my eye.

One thing about me and Matt was once we fought we made up right away. That's how much we loved one another.

"I love you!", he jumped into my arms as he cried into my shoulder. He pulled away as he began to pepper kisses all across my face. I began to silently giggle as he continued.

"I love you too Matt. Please let's not fight over something so stupid again", I giggled wiping his tears away.

"Yeah never again", he smiled connecting our lips.

Carefully he grabbed my neck as he kissed me passionately. His lips were so soft and delicate against mine. As he kissed me more I placed my hand on the side of his cheek. Matt was so soft kissing me as if I were a piece of glass. We were putting all over feelings into this one kiss, before Matt and I pulled away obviously out of breath.

Matt laid his head down on my chest as I played with his hair. We both stayed like that for god knows how long. Only savoring the moment of us together, before fatigue took over.

The end :)


Authors Note:

I hope you enjoyed this @Ariana_espinosa :)!

Alright so I wanted to know do you guys even like my imagines? Because like I used to get at least 50-70 reads a chapter and now I only get 28. I'm not complaining! It's just if you guys don't like my writing let me know so I know what I have to work on! Thanks :)

I love you all so much!

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now