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This imagine goes out to FreshPrinceOfCam for making me the sick cover! I really appreciate it and love it! Enjoy the imagine :)

*listen to the song it adds more affect

(Also please read my author note at the ending!!! Thank you!)

[ Sabrina's P.O.V. ]

Tears violently ran down my face as my body shook. My mother banged on my door loudly making the whole house shake. I paced back and forth in my room biting my nails down to the raw beds.

"Open the door now!", she screeched like an owl causing me to cringe. Everything was happening too fast. My mind couldn't comprehend what was happening right before me.

I couldn't grasp onto the fact my mother kicked Matt outside my house. That she screamed that he was never able to see me again. The worst thing is, I stood there and didn't do a damn thing about it.

My mouth went dry like a desert and I went into a trance wishing I could run away from my problems. Run away from this stupid little town in Virginia with Matt.

"No! I hate you so much! I hate you! I hate you!", I screamed banging on my head, causing my headache to intensify. The word 'hate' rolled off my tongue like wax dripping from a candle.

And I didn't regret a thing.

"I don't want you seeing that scum bag ever again!", she spat with venom. I felt like she was the snake attacking me with each word, each bite and I was this helpless rodent.

I gulped closing my eyes, feeling the ice in my veins turn into fire. I clenched my jaw, making tight fists as my eyebrows knitted together. I had to leave. I couldn't stand her anymore. She was a horrible mother. I swung my door open surprising both me and my mother.

"Don't you ever say that again", my voice came out cold and harsh. I couldn't believe I was sticking up to my mom.

I never even dared talking back to her. It was how I was raised, always smile, wear makeup and make sure you hair is perfect, get perfect grades, date perfect boys, and never talk back.

A lot has changed since I've started seeing Matt. It is so indescribable, even after I kissing him I always had this urge to go with him and leave the witch. My mother never approved of his "kind". She said he was a bad influence because he had a few tattoos and a lip piercing.

So what if he was different? Why did she have to go make preconceived notions about people? My mother's ego was too big for her little head. After awhile it consumed her and changed her completely.

"I can't have a daughter who is seen with trash. Leave", she calmly spoke as if she was talking to one of her patients.

My body froze, turning into stone making everything stop. I paused thinking for a moment before shaking it off. "Good, because I was planning to leave with Matthew. Good bye", I snapped giving my mother a testifying glare.

I pushed past her feeling my body grow cold and my muscles tighten. Was this what I really wanted? To be kicked out of the house? She couldn't have been serious, right? I can't believe I'm having doubts about leaving my mom! I've been dreaming of this moment forever, but now since it is here. I can't help feeling the churning of my stomach and the tightening of my vocal cords.

Everything was spinning around me as I stepped out into the chilly air of Virginia. I plopped myself in my car, before abruptly pulling out of my driveway. I licked my lips and gnawed at the dead skin while making my way to Matt's house.

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now