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[ Toby's P.O.V. ]

"Tobyyyyyy I know what we can do!", Matt emphasized the y.

My boyfriend and I were currently sitting in my room being bored as hell. Each time one of us came up with a idea. It was either a bad idea or we couldn't do because it dealt with traveling. So whatever Matt came up with this time better be good.

"This better be good", I yawned looking back down at my phone. I was currently scrolling threw my twitter feed.

"Well I was just nominated for the ice bucket challenge and I was wondering if you wanted to do it! I can nominate you!", he stood up in excitement.

"Yeah but that's cold", I whined already shivering thinking about it.

"Toby just do it! It's for ALS, so we get to donate money too", he grabbed my hand pleading to do the challenge.

"Ugh fine! But only because it's for ALS", I gave in standing up.

We made our way towards my computer going onto the site to donate money. Both Matt and I donated 20 dollars so 40 dollars all together.

We went and got a huge red bucket filling it with water from the outdoor hose. I went inside grabbing the ice so we can put it in the bucket. We decided that we were going to put it on Matt's YouTube channel.

"Hi my name is Matt Espinosa and I was nominated by Carter Reynolds to do the ALS ice bucket challenge. I nominate my girl friend Toby James, Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, and all my fans. You have 24 hours", he said smiling into the camera.

"Any last words Espinosa?", I giggled getting ready to pour the water on his head.

"I love you mommy", his voice cracked as I threw the water over him.

He started screaming like a girl jumping up and down saying it was cold. I on the other hand was laughing hysterically watching him run around.

"That was really cold", he laughed calming down as he flipped his hair. "Okay now it's Toby's turn", he smiled walking over to the camera to turn it off so we could get the water and ice. Matt would just edit it later.

Finally we got the ice and water so I could now do the challenge. Soon enough I found myself standing in front of the camera speaking.

"Hey I'm Toby James and I was nominated by Matt-", but I was cut off my Matt dumping the water on my head.

"Matt your suppose to wait until I'm done talking", I turned around looking at him.

"Oops", he laughed throwing the bucket down.

I started to punch him as he tried to fight back. Matt would scream like a little girl each time my fist made contact with his shoulder. Until he feel back on his butt.

I turned around towards the camera once again to finish what I was saying.

"Matt's a dickhead. But I nominate my best friend Megan Reed, my mom, and my little sister Amy James! You have 24 hours! Don't forget to donate to the ALS foundation. And you will see Matt's new video next week. That's if I don't kill him", I turned around giving him a glare.

"Hey that's my line!", Matt pouted standing up taking his wet shirt off.

"Awe boo hoo. And you interrupted me while I was speaking. So now were even", I said confidently.

"Yeah but you love me", he cheekily smiled leaning in to give me a kiss.

"No no that's not gunna work this time", I tried fighting against his puppy dog eyes.

But Matt kept doing puppy dog eyes with those big brown eyes. I sighed in defeat giving in, connecting our lips as Matt covered the camera up with his hand, to end the video.

"You're lucky I love you", I pulled away standing up.

"Yeah I know. Now let's go cuddle because I'm cold", he whined sticking out his bottom lip.

"I can go for that", I smiled walking back into my house.

The end :)


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated a imagine in awhile....

It's just I'm busy with my other story love somebody and a new current one I'm working on that I haven't published yet. And I also have field hockey 6 days a week for 6 hours. So I've been busy.

But I promise to be more active from now on!

Hope you enjoyed! Love you all!

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now