Leave me alone

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[ Brittanica's P.O.V. ]

"Hey babe", Matt came up behind me kissing my cheek.

It was our first day back at Ireton and I couldn't be happier. This summer was drama filled. I broke up with my ex Alex. He was a player and broke my heart cheating on me with this blonde chick. I met Matt and he made me happy and laugh. We became really close and now were dating.

"Hey", I giggled.

"You look beautiful today like always", he pecked my lips.

"Oh shut up your just saying that", I smacked his arm blushing.

"No I can't just say it if I truly mean it. Your so beautiful", he whispered looking into my eyes playing with my hair.

I began to majorly blush. Matt was being so lovely dovey today. I was liking it. Matt slowly started to close his eyes leaning in. I did the same as our lips made contact. He kissed carefully and slowly. He was putting all his feelings into this kiss. Until we were interrupted.

"Get a room", my ex laughed walking by.

"Oh shut up Waters", Matt spat.

"I don't think you want to mess with me Espinosa", Alex got up in Matt's face.

"Try me", Matt growled.

"Matt c'mon let's just go", I pleaded pulling on his arm.

Matt looked at Alex with evil eyes before he followed me to first period class. And let the drama begin.


"I will meet you by your locker I have to go talk to coach alright beautiful?", Matt smiled his cheeky grin.

"Alright bye Matty", I smiled hugging him before making my way to my locker.

I made it to my locker putting my lock combo in. The halls were empty by now so everything was completely quiet. Or so I thought...

"Well well well what do we got here", Alex smiled his evil grin.

"Leave me alone", I whimpered trying to get past Alex. But I was already trapped.

"What about no", he grinned rubbing his hands up and down my body.

"Stop it leave me alone! Help me someone help me!", I shouted tears threatening to spill.

"Shut the fuck up you little slut!", he yelled slapping me across my face.

"Matt!", I screamed louder ignoring his threats.

Alex slapped me harder across the face making my cheek sting more.

"Alex leave her the fuck alone!", Matt screamed punching Alex in the face.

"Fuck", he spat wiping his bloody nose.

Alex stood up launching his fist into Matt's jaw. Matt returned the punch knocking Alex to the ground. Matt got on top of him punching him to a pulp.

"Matt that's enough", I cried trying to pull him off.

"Don't ever ever touch my girl friend again", he shouted punching him one last time in the nose.

"Matt", I cried jumping into his arms.

"I will never let anyone use you again. I'm so sorry", we both cried as he repeatedly kissed my lips.

"I love you Matt. I was so scared", I whimpered hugging him tightly.

"Sshh it's okay. I got you", he ran his hand up and down my back.

The end :)


Authors Note:

Hope you enjoyed @_fiveyearsofwinter_!!!!

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