Cheater part 1

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[ Matt's P.O.V. ]

Today I was coming home from magcon New Jersey. It was so fun, it's sad that this was the last time all the guys were going to be together. I was couldn't wait to see my girlfriend Y/N. I couldn't wait to pepper her beautiful face with kisses and whisper I love her.

Y/N will be with Nash back at my house. The boys left yesterday, while I was leaving today. I told Nash and all the boys they could come over later, but Nash came early since him and Y/N are best friends. He is the reason we're even dating. I'm still surprised at how easy going he is with us being together. I knew Nash sorta had feelings for Y/N, but I guess it changed since he is talking to some girl named Brianna.

I paused my music and took my beats off as the pilot made the announcement to turn all electronics off, since we were getting ready to land in Virginia. The butterflies in my stomach only came more wild at the thought of seeing Y/N again. We have been dating for three months and she still makes me feel nervous around her. And as you can tell even when were miles apart she drives me crazy.

I was standing by the conveyor belt for my luggage when I heard my name being called. I turned around to see my mother rushing over to me. I smiled quickly grabbing her into a bear hug.

"I missed you so much honey", she said into my shoulder her voice sounding muffled.

"I missed you too mom. I'm glad to be back home", I smiled pulling away to look at my beautiful mother.

"How did I get so luckily to have such a good son", she smiled looking up at me.

"I should be asking how did I get so luckily to have a mom like you", I cheekily grinned back.

"Oh stop it. C'mon let's get your luggage", she laughed hitting the back of my head playfully.


"I have to run to the store quick to pick up food. I will be back in a hour or so. Y/N and Nash are in the living room watching a movie", my mom shouted from the car as I was walking to the front door.

"Okay thanks mom", I said not really paying attention. I just wanted to see Y/N period.

I eagerly ran into my house shutting the door quietly behind me so I could surprise my baby and Nash. Careful I tip toed towards the living room cautiously walking so the wooden floors wouldn't creak.

Turning into the living room I dropped my luggage in shock. My mouth becoming dry, a lump began to form in my throat. As I thought I was going to chock on my own spit. Tears began to weld up into my eyes, as I rubbed them quickly. Which didn't help since they were replaced by new ones.

"Y/N... Nash...", I looked as they were sucking each other's faces.

Quickly they pulled apart. Y/N looked at me with shock as she looked back at Nash with a "he caught us" face. Nash looked at me with guilt. Why would they do this too me? Why?

"Look I can explain", Nash came over putting his hands up in surrender.

"Get out", I croaked as I took a deep breath.

"Just let me explain", he begged.

Just as I was about to say something I was cut off by loud laughter as all the boys barged into the house.

"Zayummmm,", Cam shouted coming into the room. He looked at me then Nash and Y/N. His face turning white. He knew right away what happened. The boys were still laughing and shouting like nothing wrong happened.

"Yo guys shut the hell up!", Cam yelled looking at me with sympathy as everyone piled into the living room.

I nodded my head thanking him as I snapped my attention back to Nash and Y/N. I felt my blood temperature become warmer and my patience thinner.

"Leave now", I shouted in a stern tone.

He shook his head as he walked out of the living room, the rest of the boys looking at me with "what the fuck is happening" faces. I shook my head at them with defeat letting them know I will tell them later.

I looked back at Y/N as tears streamed down her face. I felt sorry at first, but then I remember why she was crying and my anger towards her came back. She cheated and she was caught. She was probably cheating on me this whole time too.

"Look can we talk", she cried as she hiccuped covering her mouth.

"Yeah go ahead let's see what type of excuses you come up with", I spat shaking my head in disgust.

"Can we go somewhere more private", she asked as her normal blue eyes were red and swollen from crying.

"Whatever you have to say can be said infront of me and the boys", I said looking back at them.

"Okay", she hiccuped once again pausing before talking again. "I know what you're thinking. That I've been cheating on you this whole time, but I wasn't. It started about 3 weeks ago. You were busy with magcon and school. Nash and I've been talking a lot lately. He was being really sweet and nice. He was supporting me and making me feel better because you would never answer my text or calls. And yeah I know you're busy right? Who has time for a worthless girl like me. I guess I gained feelings for him because he made me feel loved and wanted", she sighed looking up at me.

"Get out", I simply stated looking her right in the eyes.

At first hurt spread across her face, looking taken back. Before quickly she shook her head walking out of my house. Silence surrounded everyone in the room, before without a word I bursted into tears. I got too caught up with school and events, that I forgot about Y/N completely.


Authors note:

As you see it says part 1 at the top. This imagine will have either two or three parts. I'm not really sure how many yet. Anyways thanks for reading!

Love you guys!

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now