You're insane

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"Clarissa just give me a chance! I'll love you more than that Espinosa kid", my ex boy friend Kyle shouted.

"You're insane! You beat me Kyle", I cried trying to push pasted him.

I just wanted to go home. Where is Matt when you need him? I never loved Kylie. He beat me mentally and physically. I never had the guts to tell anyone because I was frightened by his actions. He can't love anyone.

"Yeah because you never listened! Girls should listen to men", he spit in my face pushing me into the lockers.

I whimpered squinting my eyes with disgust. I'm not dealing with this anymore. I'm stronger now. "Ha that's funny considering it's 2015 and not the 1800s anymore", I opened my eyes wiping the spit off.

"Shut your mouth dumb bitch before I make it shut", he raised a fist. I squealed shouting for help as tears poured down my face like buckets.

"Kyle get the fuck away from MY girlfriend before I pound your face in", Matt growled with a clenched jaw.

Kyle released his grip as I slid down to the ground. I coughed feeling around my throat where his hands just were. It hurt to touch so I let off a whimper looking at Matt. His face softened and his eyes glistened for a second, until he came back into reality. That Kyle was just choking me.

"Who do you think you are telling me to move away?", Kylie laughed bitterly getting close to Matt's face.

"Are you a dumb fuck? Clarissa isn't dating you anymore", Matt hissed looking at him with disgust.

"Yeah but she was fun to play around with", he licked his lips looking at me. I gulped feeling assaulted.

When I looked over at Matt he had mad eyes. I don't think I've ever saw him so angry. He pushed Kyle into the locker repeatedly punching his face. I screeched running over trying to break them apart.

"Step back I don't want you to get hurt!", he lightly pushed me away as Kyle punched him in the stomach. Which made him grunt in pain.

I covered my eyes hearing groans and grunts from them both. Until I heard a huge bang into locker which caused me to jolt my eyelids open. I saw Matthew coughing and holding his stomach as Kyle was getting up to run away. Kyle had a steadily bleeding nose and looked bruised in the face, with a huge gash by his temple.

I cried running over to examine Matt. He on the other hand had a huge, bloody gash in his lip and a bruised cheek. I slightly touched my thumb to his lip as he gasped in pain. I made him sit down so I could examine him better.

"Matthew I can't believe this...", I shook my head feeling on the verge of tears again.

"I-", he paused to cough. "Kicked his ass though", he spoke with a raspy voice managing a smile.

I sighed looking at his stomach. It was swollen and needed to be iced like his cheek. As I was helping him up, he stopped me. I turned my head giving Matt a look of "what are you doing".

"I love you babygirl. I love you so much. I always sorta did have a crush on you. And I know you hate seeing me like this, but I will do anything to protect you. I just love you", he smiled tucking the strand of hair behind my ear.

I blushed looking down with happiness. "I love you so much too. I'm not just saying that either. Promise me to be more careful", I laughed pecking his lips.

As I was pulling away though he grabbed me rather forcefully and pulled me on his lap. I kiss him softly so I would hurt his lip. He kissed back more ruffly than normal. I pulled away pecking his lips one last time.

"No promises", he smirked helping me up. I rolled my eyes grabbing his hand as we walked out of the school.

Hope you enjoyed this @Clarissa_Espinosa ! I'm genuinely sorry for not updating sooner. I've just been busy with school & plus my phone is broke.

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