Beach day

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[ Jizelle's P.O.V. ]

Today Matt and I were going surfing. I was so eager to be back in the water again. Basically I grew up in the water, on the other hand this was going to be Matt's first time. I was and still am a little worried.


"Hey babe what are you doing tomorrow", Matt came up to me pecking me on the lips.

"I'm going surfing", I smiled looking up at him.

"Ooo can I come!", he face lite up.

"Matt you don't even know how to", I pointed out the obvious, walking over to get a water out of the fridge.

"But you can teach me! Please pleaseeeeee", he whined making the puppy dog face.

I sighed in defeat as Matt well knows that face is my weakness. "Ugh fine you can come. But watch me okay?", I asked giving in.

"Yayyyyyy! I will", he shouted in glee squeezing me tightly.

*End of Flashback*

Can you see why I'm worried? Matt never listens to me at ALL. He always likes to make his own decisions. And yeah I'm fine with that. Until he thinks he is freaking batman and ends up hurting himself.

"Hey I'm here!", I heard Matt's voice echo threw my house.

"In the kitchen!", I yell back grabbing us waters.

"Hey", he said again walking into the kitchen smiling.

"Hey follow me, you can borrow my brothers board. Do you have a wet suit?", I asked walking into my back yard.

Luckily for me, I live right on the beach. Which again is a advantage to why I grew up in the water.

"Yeah I have one and thanks", he showed me his wet suit.

"Is this good?", I handed him on that was blue with orange flames on it.

"Perfect. Can I go change?", he asked.

"Yeah sure I will be out here", I said grabbing my board.

He shook his head before walking into my house. I was already in my wet suit so I didn't have to change. I loved my board. It was purple and then blended into yellow. I had it ever since I was a little girl.

"Okay I'm ready", Matt came out.

I handed him his board, while I began walking to the beach. I sat down starting to wax my board so it wouldn't be slippery.

"What's that for?", Matt asked cocking his head and raising a eyebrow.

"So when were surfing it won't be slippery. Here", I gave him the wax.

"Oh thanks", he said grabbing it and applying it to the board.

I stood up grabbing my board looking out into the ocean. The tide was very strong today. Hopefully Matt can handle it.

"Okay so were going to paddle out past the waves. When a wave comes just go underneath it? Can you handle that?", I laughed walking to where the waves break on the sand.

"Yeah I got it", he looked determined.

I shook my head giving him a smiled before laying on my board and paddling out. I looked back to see Matt following me.

"Duck!", I yelled as a huge wave was about to break about us.

I came back up taking a heavy breath and looking behind me to see Matt smiling. Maybe I was wrong? Maybe Matt can handle this. Finally we made it out past the waves. I turned my board around so now the front was facing the beach. I pulled myself up as I sat down waiting for Matt to come.

"Alright now watching me first?", I explained.

"Okay", he shook his head.

Once again I laid back down on my stomach as I started to paddle. A wave began to form as I began to paddle. Before the wave could break, I sat up to get my balance, then stood up. I jerk back and forth against the wave putting both my arms out to keep my balance. Right before the wave was about to break, I jumped off into the water.

I came up shaking my head laughing before going back over towards Matt. "Did you see how I began to paddle before the wave broke? And then I jumped before it curved. That's all you have to worry about. Besides your balance", I explained wiping some of the water off.

"Alright I'm gunna try", his face became determined before he began to paddle.

I watched him carefully as a new wave began to form. He started to paddle catching the wave. Matt sat up to get his balance like I did, before standing up. He was doing it.

"Matt you are doing it!", I shouted.

He turned around smiling just as another wave came crashing into his wave. Causing him to face plant onto the water and the waves crushing him. I called him name, but he didn't come up. After a minute he still didn't. I began to get worried. I swam over looking underneath the water to see him no where. Coming back up I saw him laying face first in the sand.

I swam to shore calling his name. I ran over flipping him into his back. His eyes were shut and his mouth was parted. I started pump his chest as I put my ear to his heart. It was pumping were is a good sign. I put my fingers on his lips opening them as I did CPR. I kept repeating that before one last time I put my lips on his. Matt's eyes opened grabbing my head and kissing me. I squealed trying to pull away, but he was much stronger. I started to kiss back, when he bit my lip sticking his tongue into my mouth. I moan as we continued to make out. I pulled away giving him a evil glare.

"Matthew Lee what is wrong with you!", I shouted standing up with my back towards him.

"Haha sorry Jizelle... It was just a joke", he laughed trying to turn me around.

"A joke that could of killed you!", I yelled back.

"Look I'm sorry okay?", he smiled looking at me with those big brown eyes.

"Ugh you're luck I love you", I huffed before giving him a hug.

"I love you too", he hugged back before pecking my lips.

"Now c'mon let's go back out and surf!", I began walking back to the ocean.

"That's my girl!", he laughed before following me back out.

Authors Note:

Hoped you like @lOve_espinosa!!!

Sorry if there are any spelling errors I was too lazy to check!

Anyways love you all!

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now