Cheater part 3

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[ Matt's P.O.V. ]

I sat there silently next to Y/N's bed as the monitor beeped at her heart rate. She looked so peaceful sleeping, but I mean how peaceful can a hospital room get? The day I found Y/N and Nash I shut down. I pushed away anyone that tried to help, even my fans. It hurt to see them like that. They were all so worried and I just pushed them away.

When they found out what happened with Y/N and me, they flipped. Automatically going into defense mode. At first I was glad they were giving Y/N hate. I was so mad and heartbroken that I didn't care for Y/N's feelings. I wanted her to be in as much pain as I was.

One day I decided to check twitter. So I was causally scrolling threw my timeline until I saw Y/N's tweet. Just for the fun of it I decided to watch her Younow. When I saw all the hurtful comments my heart shattered. I didn't think my fans could poses such angry. I saw Y/N's facial expression drop almost instantly, before she agreed and logged off.

At this moment I didn't care if we were talking or not. I stood up and ran to her house. Which was 2 blocks away. When I knocked on the door her mother answered. Quickly I pushed past her and said I would explain later. I ran upstairs praying she didn't do anything yet. I was too late, she laid on her bed unconscious with a bottle of pills in her hand. I scream down the stairs to call 911.

That takes us to the present. The doctors said I was luckily enough to find her in time. They said she can wake up at any time. So here I am sitting in the hospital at 4:23 in the morning. I made a promise to myself not to leave until she woke up. And I'm not going to break that promise.

I miss her so much. Her cute little laugh, the way her nose scrunched up when she smiled, or how she would never accept a compliment and call me crazy. She was my perfect dream girl and I didn't run after her. I should have been there for her, but I wasn't. In the end I lost her to a close friend.

"Y/N please wake up. Please I want to see those beautiful blue eyes", I whispered squeezing my eyes tightly.

I felt a twitch then I saw her leg jerk. Before she opened her eyes moaning out in pain.

"Matt?", she groaned looking at me in surprise, as she placed her palm to her forehead.

"Y/N", I smiled sniffling as a tear slide down my cheek.

"I-I I don't understand? Why? I thought you hated me?", she whimpered looking at me with sad eyes.

"I did. But everyone deserves a second chance, besides I should have been there for you", I said scratching the back of my neck looking down.

"Oh Matt!", she cried grabbing my neck connecting our lips.

I kissed her back softly and slowly as my lips tried to remember the times we kissed before. I placed my hands on both sides of her head to gain more control. I wanted to put every feeling I had towards her in this kiss. From bad to good. She pulled away breathing heavily as she evilly grinned at me.

"Woaw", she laughed in a shocking tone.

"Woaw is right. Where do you poses such great kissing skills", I joked sitting back amused.

"Me a good kisser? I should be asking you that! That was kinda amazing", she inhaled trying to catch her breath.

"I don't know maybe it's because I have such a beautiful girl friend that you bring out the best in me", I smiled meaning every word.

"Are you serious!", she exclaimed at the fact I called her my girl friend.

I nodded laughing a bit before she pulled me towards her lips. She kissed me hungrily and passionately, slipping her tongue into my mouth as I moaned in satisfaction. Before quickly pulling away teasing me.

"Hey that's no fair", I pouted like a little kid.

"For later. I tired babe", she giggled bitting her lip.

"Ahhhh stop!", I whined pulling at the ends of my hair.

"Stop what?", she asked innocently bitting her lip again.

"You know that turns me on babe", I whined placing my chin on the side of the bed.

"I know", she yawned running her hands threw my hair before laying back down to sleep.

The end :)


Authors note:

So did you guys like how I gave you the opportunity to choose the ending? Sorry if this wasn't a good ending I didn't know how to exactly end it, if you know what I mean.

Anyways just to let you know I will either be updating Love Somebody on Thursday or Friday. I'm on vaca right now so it's hard.

Plus I was stuck on which way I was going with this chapter, but let me tell you it's going to escalate quickly. I was dying to write this chapter.

Anyway thanks for commenting and voting it really makes me happy because it shows people out there are reading my imagines :)

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now