What did I do wrong?

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I get way too sensitive when I get attached to someone. I can detect the slightest change in the tone of their voice, and suddenly I'm spending all day trying to figure out what I did wrong. And that's how I've been for the past week. My best friend Matt wasn't the same around me.

The loud goofball was timid and quiet whenever I was near him. He seemed to have been always sneaking around, running from my presence. I don't remember doing anything or saying anything wrong? The last I saw him was a Friday ago.


"Tyler you're so stupid", I laughed hitting his arm. We just got done with taking our math test in pre calculus and the smart one here forgot to do the back.

"I didn't know there was a back!", he pouted as we turned the corner.

I saw Matthew making his way over to me looking tense. I cocked a eyebrow with curiosity until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey Ryan, do you want to go see a movie tonight?", Tyler spoke stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I sighed giving a slide glance towards Matt's direction. Putting a finger up I nodded my head to let him know I'll be there in a minute. I whipped my long brown ponytail around, snapping back to Tyler's attention.

"I dunno... I was probably just going to do something with Matt", I admitted playing with my lip.

"Oh c'mon! You always turn me down because your hanging out with Matt. Can't you just come to see a movie with me?", he nagged.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek running through possible excuses, but couldn't find any because I used them all. I licked my lips knowing I couldn't kept letting Tyler down.

"Alright I guess I could make one night freeee", I exaggerated on the 'e' in free. Tyler smiled pumping a fist in the air like he just got his first kiss. I laughed giving him a funny look.

"I'll pick you up at 7 then", he pecked my cheek and left before I could say anything.

Walking over to Matt I felt my stomach feel fizzy as if it were ready to erupt at any moment. That was the first time a boy asked me out without being dared. Most boys in my school always went out with the fake sluts. I bounced my body up and down jumping in front of Matt.

I waved my hand happily. "Hey quiff!", I laughed knowing he hated the nickname I called him. Obviously it was about his hair.

"Hey Ry", he weakly spoke hiding a daisy behind his back.

"What's that for?", I became interested trying to grab the flower from his grasp.

"Oh nothing. It's just for Sarah".

I knotted my eyebrows together feeling shocked. "I thought you hated Sarah?", I spoke as it came out as more of a question.

"Did", he corrected me. "We aren't really enemies anymore", he added licking his bottom lip.

"Oh that's cool", I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. "So I can't hang out tonight because I'm going to the movies".

"That's okay! I was just ready to tell you that I was going to do something with Sarah", he leaned into the locker.

I nodded still shocked with surprised. "I still can't believe it. Ha you and Sarah", I laughed trying to break the ice between us.

"Yeah I could say the same thing", he spat angrily with a sudden change in mood.

I raised my eyebrows causing a crease to appear on my forehead. I made fists at the side of me feeling taken back. "What's that suppose to mean Matthew", I asked bitterly.

"Nothing! Just nothing", he growled running a hand through his hair.

"Whatever I don't feel like dealing with your shit today", I spun around on my heal beginning to stomp away.

"Bitch", he shouted behind me.

*end of flashback*

That was the last conversation we had. I never fought with Matt. He was my best friend since 3rd grade. Now I didn't know where we stood in this relationship. It was slowing eating at my insides, I wanted to know. What did I do wrong? And I was going to find my answer out today right after school.

Matt's been dodging me for the past week and he wasn't going to get away today. I just had to be quick. Friday's he usually went to the gym after school, so I'll have to corner him there.

The bell rang throughout making me get up and leave in a hurry. I throw my books in my locker and jump into my car. Thousands of thoughts ran through my head on how the situation could go between us both.

I arrived at the gym parking my car. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear ready to face anything thrown at me. Matt was lifting weights when I walked in. He had no shirt on which perfectly shown his toned chest. Beads of sweat slid down his skin making him shine. I have to admit he is really hot.

I jogged over to him. "We need to talk", I strictly spoke. Matt sighed setting down the weight before dabbing his face with a towel.

"I'm listening", he sat up facing me.

"Why are you completely ignoring me?", I huffed crossing my arms.

"I don't know ask Tyler", he stood up. I follow him watching him take a sip of his water.

"It was just one day Matt! We always hang out! I thought you'd understand after knowing what happened with guys in the past!", I hissed.

"Yeah I know! But don't you-", he stopped himself. "Never mind it's nothing", he slipped on a shirt and began to walk away.

I ran after him grabbing his arm with my long nails digging into his skin. "Matt it's obviously nothing if your making such a big deal!", I shouted with tears welding up in my eyes.

Angrily Matt shook off my arm giving me a look of pure hatred. In this moment it looked as if he were ready to kill a man. "Nothing?! How can you be so oblivious Ryan!? I like you! I always did! That flower was for you! Not that slut Sarah!", he shouted. .

I felt my stomach drop to my feet causing my feet to buckle and me fall to the ground. It was as if a bombshell just exploded in my head. I groaned grabbing my temples, curling up on the floor.

"I loved you", he whispered kneeling down besides me. "I still do".

I lifted my head up not knowing what to say except connect my lips to Matthew's. I kissed him carefully, with salty tears running down my cheeks. I pulled away so it wouldn't get to heated, but I felt like an ass. Looking down in shame I blushed knowing he had to feel that too?

The tingly feeling from my toes to my fingers, the heart rate past 190. As if time stopped and stood still. Without words he forgave me and I forgave him. Just by looking into his eyes he captured my attention.

"I love you too Matt", I simply spoke.

Just a cute little update for ya! I'll be updating another request on Friday! Then another part to Fame!!!???

Who's excited? ;)

Cya next update!

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now