Best Magcon Experience Part:2

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[ Laura's P.O.V. ]

Nicole and I just got done taking our pictures with everyone except Matt and Nash. Those were the two busiest lines, besides Cam's line. But we were smart and went there first. I was kinda bummed out since I didn't get to meet Matt. It was going to be hard to meet him tomorrow, their is going to be VIP plus General Admission.

"Hey what's wrong?", Nicole asked hitting my arm.

"I don't know", I lied.

"Oh c'mon don't lie to me! I've known you since kindergarten, just tell me", she pleaded.

"Fine I'm kinda upset that I didn't get to meet Matt today", I sighed pulling the door to our hotel open.

"We will meet him tomorrow. I promise don't worry", she shrugged following me into the lobby.

"See that's the thing. How do you know? Their is going to be a lot of girls there tomorrow. Just VIP alone was a lot. But VIP and General Admission? I don't know", I continued talking walking backwards bumping into someone.

"Umm Laura... You might want to turn around", Nicole said with wide eyes.

I cautiously turned around wondering who it might've been. Once I turn't around there stood the Matthew Lee Espinosa. My mouth dropped to my feet. I couldn't believe it. This has to be a dream. I could not be standing right in front of my idol... it's impossible.

"So what are you worried about babe? Not meeting who", he smiled placing his hand on my back.

I wanted to reply. I wanted to tell him everything, but I couldn't. It was like I was frozen in time. I just stood there probably looking like a fool.

"Are you aright", he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh yeah I'm fine sorry. It's just I was afraid that I wouldn't meet you", I blushed looking down.

"Awe really? That's so sweet. I love all what you guys do really", he said giving me a hug.

God his hugs are the best.

"Anyways do you two want to come back to our room and hang for a bit", he asked smiling again.

"Us?", Nicole asked.

"Yeah us. All the boys", he laughed.

"Uh sure", I said still in awe.

Nicole and I followed behind Matt. Whispering back an forth on how exciting this was. I mean c'mon how often do you get to meet your idols and hang out with them! Exactly not that often...

"Zayummmm!!! Did you brink back any food!", Cam yelled once Matt opened the door.

"Uh actually no. I ran into these two. Laura and", he paused looking at Nicole.

"And Nicole", she smiled.

"Who!", I heard a deep voice call from the bathroom.

It was Nash.

"Laura and Nicole! They are big fans!", Matt yelled back.

"Dang and pretty ones", Taylor said coming into the room.

I felt my cheeks instantly turn red.

"Yeah I know right", Matt, Cam, and Nash said in unison.

I blushed even harder. Gosh I'm completely embarrassing myself. I looked over at Nicole. She and Cam were talking. Great. What am I suppose to do? Just sit here.

"Hey Laura! Nicole! Do you guys want to make vines with us", Nash shouted.

Nicole and I nodded in unison. First we made on on Nash's profile. Nicole and I acted like crazy fans chasing after the boys. It was actually pretty funny. After that we did one on Matt's with helium balloons. I don't know how they got balloons, do don't ask. We sang the song 'Happy' in our high pitch voices. All the boys we laughing. I don't think I laughed this hard in my life before. After that Cam and Nicole went to get food. I just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Hey Laura. Do you want to take a picture? Just in case it is busy tomorrow", Matt came over to me.

"Yeah sure. Thanks", I smiled.

"Alright", he smiled back taking out his phone.

"What are you doing?", I asked.

"Taking a picture", he stated casually.

He hit the Instagram app. Then he hit picture, but instead slid over to video. What is he doing?

"I want to do a video first", he laughed looking over at me. "Is that alright?", he asked.

"Yeah that's fine" I bit my lip.

He held into the button and the video started I record.

"So guess who I am with", he smiled into the camera.

"Me!", he turned the camera towards me.

"Me? Whose me? I'm looking for Laura", he tried to keep a straight face.

"I'm Laura doofus", I began to giggle.

"Doofus who is doofus", he laughed.

I shook my head smiling. The video ended. "Haha that was the best", I giggled.

"HA yes it was! What's your Instagram name? I will tag you in it!", he asked.

"Oh it's laaaura_", I told him.

"Alright perfect", he posted the video. "Now let's take a picture!"

"Okay what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I got idea! Just let's take a smiling one first".

He hit the camera, turning the camera so it faced us. Once he hit click I smiled, but he kissed my cheek. I blushed as the picture took.

"Hey! That was more then a smiling picture", I giggled.

"You need something to remember this night!", he laughed blushing.

"I wish this could last forever", I frowned.

"Yeah me too... Maybe it can?", he smiled.

The end :)


Authors Note:

Sorry if this sucked :(

I didn't really know how to end it.

Anyways if I wrote a Matt Espinosa fanfiction would you read it?

Please comment & vote!

Love you guys!

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