Face your fears and you'll go far

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Hope you enjoy this @_teaghann !

I gulp as I peeked through the velvet red curtains from behind stage. You can do this just breathe. I nervously played with my fingers trying to comfort myself, but receiving nothing. This was it. The talent show and I would be singing Desire by years & years.

I paced by and forth feeling the palms of my hands sweat. Where is he? I looked down at my watch. He was suppose to be here 10 minutes ago.

"There you are!", my boyfriend Matt called running over to me out of breath. I weakly smiled feeling my eyes to begin to weld up with tears.

"Matthew I'm nervous. I can't do this", I groaned hiding my face in Matt's grey hoodie, breathing in his cologne.

"Babe listen..", he hugged me before pulling away to look into my eyes. I stared back into those beautiful brown eyes as they switched from comforting to seriousness. "I think it's healthy for a person to be nervous. It means you care, that you work hard and want to give a great performance. You just have to channel that nervous energy into the show", he spoke sternly not blinking once.

"You're making it sound all easy. What happens if I mess up!?", I crossed my arms across my chest stubbornly.

"Teaghan who gives a shit. I would rather see you killing it up there on the stage and make a mistake. Instead of just singing it with no passion and not making a mistake", he grabbed my arm trying to snap me back to his attention.

I swallowed air as the backstage manager warned me that I have a minute until I went on stage. "Teaghan it's time to go on", the manager came over. I shot Matt a worried looked as I was being dragged away by the manager.

"Babe I believe you in!", Matt shouted blowing me a kiss before I turned the corner to the entrance of the stage.

I closed my eyes remembering Matt's words. I just have to believe in myself. I grabbed the mic as the curtains slowly pulled open and the bright lights shined down on me.

"I must be tough, I must behave, I must keep fighting...", I sang timidly walking forward.

"Don't give up I want to keep us compromising", I closed my eyes thinking of Matt's words yet again.

"Open your arms and pray to the truth that you're denying. Give in the game, to the sense that you've been hiding", I opened my eyes not feeling as nervous as I was moments ago.

"What are you taking me? I can't be blamed. I want you to want me again. Is it desire or is it nothing I'm feeling for you", I sang into the mic smiling looking at the audience.


I finished the song perfectly as the crowd stood up and cheered. I smiled waving before exiting the stage. I felt a rush of adrenaline hit me like a bus. I felt so hyped I just wanted to keep singing.

"Babygirl! You did so amazing", Matt shouted picking me off the ground. I smiled feeling proud for once in my life.

"Matt that felt amazing", I let out a huff pulling him close to my lips that they were almost touching.

"See look what you can do when you believe in yourself", he laughing looking at my lips before returning to my eyes.

"Just kiss me doofus", I rolled my eyes pulling Matt to my lips. Not only did I learn to believe in myself that night, but I learned that I truly was lucky to have Matt in my life.

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