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THE IMAGINES GET WAYYY BETTER AS YOU CONTINUE TO READ... My writing sucked when I first began this book but gradually got better!

[ Matt's P.O.V. ]

I stood impatiently at the step of Mikayla's house, freezing to the bone. She wasn't feeling well and I wanted to surprise her. (Period problems)

The door swung open, there stood a pale faced girl with naughty hair and dark circles underneath her eyes.

While still looking beautiful ;)

"Babe I came to make you feel better", I let off a sly smirk.

"If you can make my cramps and bloating go away, be my guest.", she croaked.

I looked down nervously, scratching the back of my head. What can I do to make her smile?

What can I do?

What can I do?

"Well I don't think I can use these", I laughed holding up a box of tampons.

A smirk spread across her face, almost reminding me of the happy Mikayla. But she quickly hid it as she groaned in pain. Obviously from a cramp.

"Come in", she faintly said.

I stepped into her house as my eyes began to wonder. Mikayla's house wasn't the biggest of houses but it was small and cozy.

Following her down the narrow hallway, I couldn't help but notice no one else was home.

"Mikayla, where is your family", I asked curiously.

"Oh they are in New York for the weekend. I really didn't want to go. So I stayed home", she shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh", I simply stated.

My attempt to make Mikayla feeling better, I creeped up behind her slowly, wrapping my arms around her protectively.

Enjoying the moment of peacefulness. She smelt of flowers and something sweet. It almost reminded me of a warm summer day.

Weird combination, I know right? But it reminded me of my baby, and oh how much I missed her.

For the past weeks I've been busy with MagCon and everything I hardly had time for Mikayla.

Now I had the time, but of coarse she wasn't feeling good. And I was going to make the best of it, the best for my babe.


[ Mikayla's P.O.V. ]

You could say I was completely shocked when Matt showed up at my house. But I was beyond happy, when I saw him.

Matt and I have been dating for about a year. You could say I was already in love.

I mean who wouldn't be?

He makes me laugh even when I'm sad and makes my day 110% better when I'm with him.

Nevertheless, I am recently laying on my bed with Matt, watching Mean girls.

And if anything I was feeling shittier then before.

"Are you feeling any better", Matt whispered seductively in my ear.

"Not really", I pouted.

"Looks like I'm gonna fix that", he said kissing my cheek.

I melted at the touch of him hiking up my shirt. I watched with wide eyes as to what he was doing.

Carefully, Matt placed his warm palm of his hand onto my stomach. Swirling his fingers in a circular pattern.

I couldn't help but smile.

Matt was rubbing my tummy for me. I know it might sound cheesy, but it showed he did really care.

I looked up, noticing Matt was already staring at me. Our eyes locked, and in that moment I forgot everything. I just focused on Matt.

Shaking his head, he shot that famous sly smirk of his, starting to laugh.

Feeling embarrassed I looked down shamefully. I could feel a deep shade of red rush to my cheeks.

"Why are you hiding from me babe", he grabbed my chin to make eye contact.

I felt my cheeks grow even more warm. Shrugging my shoulders I looked away. I really don't know why I was being so bashful? I was never this shy around him.

Like never...

"You don't have to hid you know? I think it's cute when you blush", he smiled scrunching his nose.

"Thanks", I let off a little giggle.

"Now where were we."

Before I could even answer, his lips were locked with mine. I kissed him back savoring the moment.

His lips tasted of cherries and were a bit sticky. (Probably from a lolly pop) I kissed more fiercely only wanted more of Matt.

Gently he kept rubbing my stomach as the make out session only became more and more heated.

This lasted for about 10 minutes until he finally pulled away, out of breath. And for once in a long, long, long time, I felt happy.

The end :)


Well I decided to start writing short stories about Matt! (Obviously)

Anyways I hope you

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt