Never expected to see you

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[ Erika's P.O.V. ]

"Erika come down here for a second please!", my mom called from the bottom of the stairs.

I pulled my earphones of my ears, shutting my book and setting my tea down. I was a "nerd" if that's what you want to call it. I rather spend a night reading or watching Netflix then partying. I'm that quiet girl that lurks in the corners that no one ever notices. I hand my work in on time and never missed a day of school in my life.

I stood up stretching my arms above my head pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose. They were the type that looked like nerd classes. Which didn't help me anymore on my "reputation".

I lazily walked out my room to go downstairs to see what my mom wanted. I was still in my pjs, which was black softies and a baggy white t-shirt with hot pink elites. My natural wavy hair was in a high messy pony. Although I'm considered a nerd to modern society, I do play volley ball. And not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty good.

"Yeah what's up?", I asks strolling into the kitchen.

"Can you please go to the store down the street to pick up some things for me?", she asked handing me a list.

"Do I have too?", I whined like a little kid.

"It will only take 10 minutes", she said cutting up the onions and throwing them into the pot.

"Ugh fine", I gave in to go grab my sneakers. I really didn't feel like changing. Besides I will walk in and walk out.


I sighed dragging the cart behind me. I went to the complete opposite side of the store for eggs. Great job Erika, give yourself a pat on the back. Now I'm going to have to be in here longer then I have too. I was looking down at the list my mom gave me, as I hit shoulders with someone.

I looked up seeing one of the most popular boys in my school. Matthew Espinosa. I mean he is the quarterback and captain of the football team. Let's not forget his funny, genuine, corny personality. Oh and he is really hot. I practically had a crush on him forever. We used to be pretty good friends until high school.

"Oh sorry about that", he apologized a smile spreading across his face.

"Umm ah it's okay", I stuttered sticking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Is that you Erika", he asked bending down to my level to make eye contact with me.

"Yeah it's me Matt", I tried not making eye contact with him.

"You're so different", he knotted his eyebrows standing up.

"Really? I feel the same", I giggled a little looking up.

"Yeah I guess so. Stupid me", he shook his head. "So what brings you here?", he asked.

"My mom wants me to pick stuff up for her. How about you?", I looked at him carefully.

His facial features were the same as from the last time I could remember. Matt still had those big brown eyes that always seemed to light up the moment. Or that smile that cure cancer and end wars. He was exactly how I remember him, except better.

[ Matt's P.O.V ]

It's crazy to think that I just happened to stop in the local market and bump into one of my childhood friends. Erika was exactly how I remember except more beautiful. She was acting so shy, but why? Did she not remember we were the best of friends in middle school?

"No I was just stopping here to get food", I laughed answering her question.

"Oh I see", she said simply puckering her lips.

"Hey this might sound crazy, but would you want to come over for a little? You know to catch up", I looked down scratching the back of my head.

She looked at me almost dumbfounded. Like she was surprise I was even asking her to hang out. I mean we used to all the time? What's so different about this?

"Yeah sure I would like that", she smiled bitting her lip.

"Alright out to my car!", I shouted.


"Remember the time you bent over and ripped your pants right in front of your crush!", she squealed laughing obnoxiously. Which I didn't mind it was cute.

"Yeah yeah, I remember", my face turning red in embarrassment.

"I can remember you were so nervous. You came to me for advice and everything. You were only 13 at the time, she was your first crush", her laughing started to die down as she popped a chip into her mouth.

Actually you were my first crush. I thought but I didn't say it out loud. She would think I'm crazy.

"Yeah", I smiled looking at my phone to see the time. 7:03 pm to be exact.

"It was cute", she blurted out.

"It was what?", I asked confused as to what she said.

"It was cute. Like how you wanted everything to be perfect", she blushed playing with her shirt.

I looked at her intently. Not knowing exactly what to say. Then I looked at her pink lips. They looked so soft, I wanted to kiss her. Slowly I leaned in as she froze in shock. Our lips touched as I began to move my lips. But she didn't kiss back...

"What's wrong?", I pulled away.

"I don't want to say", she whispered so low you could barely hear.

"You don't know how to kiss don't you?", I asked looking down at her.

She shook her head it embarrassment as her face turned red. I had to admit, I found it really cute.

"It's okay. Just part your lips like this", I stopped to show her. "And I will do the rest okay?", I smiled rubbing my thumb across her cheek.

Erika nodded her head as I slowly started to move in. I closed my eyes, when she parted her lips. My lips found hers as I kissed her delicately and carefully. After she finally got the hang of it, Erika started to kiss back. Sparks flew throughout my body. I know a very cliché moment, but it felt so amazing. I pulled away resting my forehead against hers.

"Erika?", I hummed with my eyes still shut.

"Yea Matt?", she asked breathing out.

"Will you go on a date with me?", I opened my eyes to look into hers.

"Is that even a question? Of coarse", she replied smiling.

"Good because I've been waiting for awhile", I admitted.

"Same", she smiled pecking my cheek.

The end :)

Authors Note:

I hope you enjoyed @AwesomeGirls2456!

@HunterHayes0323 I should be updating your imagine by tonight or sometime tomorrow!

Thanks for reading guys, love you!

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now