It's only the oblivious

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I put my headphones in immediately putting on take shelter by years & years. It was a gloomy day and the sky was filled with black clouds. Pulling my backpack over my shoulder, I quickened my pace. I felt tiny water droplets on my head as I groaned.

Usually I walked home with Matthew my best friend, but he went to his girl friends house today. Leaving me to walk 4 miles home by myself. I ran over to the side of the road towards the trees. Maybe if I walked under them I could get less wet.

2 miles into my journey my hypothesis was wrong. The rain still managed to soak me to the bone. I crossed my arms feeling my temper rise. That asshole ditched me for her? Really? His best friend for a girl he has only been dating for 7 months.

As I was turned the down the street to finish the race off with one more mile. I heard tires sliding and slapping against the puddles. I turned around spotting the familiar gray car, preferably Matt's car. I cocked a eyebrow when he slowed down next to me.

"What are you doing?", I yelled over the pounding rain.

"Are you going to freeze to death or get in?", he ignored my question opening the passengers side door for me.

I hopped in feeling myself begin to shiver. "I thought you were going Gina's house?", I spoke blandly looking outside at the gray landscape.

"Yeah I still went", he said keeping his eyes focused on the road. I shrugged rolled my eyes.

"Why'd you leave so early?", my voice softened a little. Matt began to say what he was going to say, but stopped himself.

"Can we talk when we get back to my place?", he stopped at a red light looking over at me with his brown eyes.

I gulped knowing that look, he only gave it when he had something important to say. I nodded bitting my lip as the light turned green.

The rest of the car ride was extremely quite for the both of us. When we got to his house I unbuckled my seat beat and walked right into his house. Both of his parents were still working so it was just us two.

I stood on the rug dripping wet and shaking. "I'll get you a towel just wait here", Matt ran upstairs. I stood there closing my eyes trying not to focus on the goose bumps on my arms and legs rising.

Matt wrapped the towel around me pulling me into his arms. I hugged back absorbing his warmth. "Your lips are purple", he shook his head rubbing his hands up and down my arms, trying to warm them.

I smiled as he carried me over to the couch. "You really didn't have too", I laughed snuggling into his warm chest. I felt so secure and myself whenever I was with him. And yeah it sounds cheesy, but it's the truth.

"Hey Karin, I um sorta want to talk to you about something", he paused pulling away so we could face one another. "What I was going to say before".

"Alright yeah", I spoke almost forgetting about the whole subject. "About why you left early". I was worried beyond my imagination. I was scared they broke up because she made him so happy. And it sucks knowing it wasn't me, but she really was a sweet girl. No matter how jealous I was of her.

"We broke up", he shrugged coming out straight forward. My eyes almost popped out of my sockets. Matt broke up with her?? Why?

Matt sighed once he saw my reaction, as if he were expecting a different reaction. He stood up pacing back and forth looking rather uncomfortable. "I broke up with her because I fell in love with someone else", he played with his lip nervously .

"Who?", I asked standing up to comfort him.

"You Karin. I fell in love with my best friend", he whispered with big brown eyes.

Hehehehe I left you hanging to what would happen next ;) I think I'm going to do more imagines like this, where you can imagine the ending! Hope you enjoyed Imloopsie !

Thanks for comment, voting, and everything above! You guys are amazing and I love you all!

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now