Cheer up

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[ Jennie's P.O.V. ]

I laid completely still underneath the blankets on my bed. Sometimes I pretend the blankets are my protectors of the world, against any feeling I have left. No tears shed from my eyes, as I used all the water up in my body. Or so it really feels. I laid on my bed thinking of what I could have done, when in reality I did all I could. Depression eats away at my soul everyday. Coming back for more and more. Taking a bigger piece each time. I can't even remember the last time I smiled or even laughed.

I felt two strong arms rubbing my back through the covers. Instantly I knew it was Matt. He came over everyday, so I got used to the schedule. Since my mom passed away a month ago I haven't spoke a word. Not even to Matt, who I've known since I was practically a baby. I mean I am his girlfriend now. He has been so supportive, he was truly my rock, my base, without him I wouldn't be here today.

Their has been countless times I tried to commit suicide this past month, just to be with my mom. Just to feel her warm arms wrap around me again. How much I longed to see her again.

"J you can't go on like this. It pains me to see you like this", he whispered pleading.

I lifted the covers up to look at him for the first time in a month. His normal bright eyes had no more light in them and his smile seemed to disappear. Matt had tears in his eyes as he looked at me. He grabbed me lightly pulling me into his chest, hugging me protectively. I heard him sniffle here and there to himself, kissing my temple repeatedly.

"Don't cry baby", I spoke with a raspy voice.

"How can I not.. I'm not only losing my best friend but the love of my life", he pulled away a single tear slide down his face.

I looked at him in pain, I wiped his face clear of tears before speaking again. "It's just so hard Matt", I closed my eyes laying down on his stomach.

"I know, but I'm here. Let me help you", he played with my hair between his fingers.

I shook my head agreeing as he grabbed my hand squeezing it reassuringly. Matt stood up lightly bending down, I climbed on his back for the first time in forever. He stood up wrapping his arms around my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck before he started walking downstairs.

He sat me down on a stool in the kitchen, before he walked over to the cabinets pulling out a can of chicken noodle soup. Matt took the can opener cracking the lid open, pouring it in a bowl, then putting it in the microwave. He walked over sitting across from me looking at me in the eyes.

"Are you going to eat once for me", he asked lifting a eyebrow to see if I would testify against him.

I didn't have any strength to fight back so I simply nodded my head. I saw him sigh as he tapped his fingers on the counter. The microwave beeped at the sound of the soup finishing being done. Matt stood up grabbing the bowl and a spoon and bringing it in front of me. I was going to grab the spoon but Matt swatted my hand out of the way.

"Matthew what the h-", he cut me off though.

"Let me feed you", he spoke grabbing the spoon.

I shook my head as he pretended the spoon was a plane. I started to laugh at how childish he was. Matt began laughing with me, until all the soup was gone.

"What is wrong with you?", I laughed for the second time in a month.

"I was just feeding you?", he questioned acting like he was perfectly normal.

"Yeah that's just feeding me", I smiled.

Matt laughed once again as I did too. We were just laughing at nothing after awhile, but it felt so good to laugh and smile. Finally a month after seeming like the world was ending. It felt like it was just beginning.

The end :)

Authors Note:

I hope you liked this @HunterHayes0323. I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday, my wattpad has been acting up lately so sorry for the waiting.

Just a heads up guys I should be updating Love Somebody by Monday or Tuesday since I'm going on vacation. But I am working on it right now so it might be sooner.

Anyways love you guys!

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