Rebound Girl part 1

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My skin simmered like bacon on a pan from the hot sun rays beating down on me. Beads of sweat blinded my vision making me sponge away the moisture with my t shirt. My dry hands ran through my hair for the 50th time pulling it into a high ponytail. My nikes were dirty from the dust swirling around them during practice. Patiently I sat on the stone cobble steps in front of the school. It was 9 o'clock on a steaming hot summer day and my ride couldn't have been later.

This wasn't the first time my friend Matthew ran late. He usually was out with his girl friend Margret. Who was cheating on him anyways. They got into this huge argument and of course I was the first person he ran to for support. The sad thing is though he didn't even like her. Matt only dated her because it started out as a bet with his group of friends. So he quickly got her back making sure he'd win the bet.

See it was between him, Nash, and the Jack's. Whoever they'd date the longest and get into there pants first; won the money in the end and well the satisfaction of ecstasy. I was extremely pissed when I found out about this little bet of theirs. In fact I didn't talk to them for a straight month. Matthew being Matthew won me back with his charm.

It's hard to stay mad at someone like him especially when he usually gets everything his way. Besides I've know him since 3rd grade and forgiving him has now become a habit. Whenever I'm around him I'm this rebound girl of his.

Matt gets hurt by Margret, comes to me to feel better, and then goes back to her. It's an endless cycle of torture on both of us. I almost feel disgusted to be around him and the rest of the boys anymore. Seeing how they all changed into horny dicks isn't quite eye catching.

I know they are good people by heart and I love them all to death. It's just hard to see how high school can change a person. I checked my watch again seeing I was dazing into my thoughts for an hour.

It was 10 o'clock and I had to be home to watch my little brother before my mom went to work at 11. So I guess I'll just have to run home. It wasn't a big deal considering I am a runner. The big deal is Matt completely abandoned me. When he swore he'd never leave me again. Well this was strike three and now I was pissed at him again. For the 10th time this month already.

I stood up taking a nice slow jog back to my little gray house in Woodbridge. It was shabby compared to the big stone house that surrounded us, but it was home. By the time I got back to my house it was 10:34. I groaned slumping up towards my bright red door feeling sore and tight from running so much this morning. Stepping into the air condition house I was barged my mothers wrath.

"Where have you been?! I was just getting ready to drive to the school!", she screeched making the vein on her temple pop out.

"Mom calm down", I groaned rubbing my temples. I was already getting a migraine from her squeaky high pitched voice.

"Don't tell me to calm down Y/N! I was worried sick!", she boomed as she pulled her hair into a tight bun. "I thought Matthew was picking you up!?"

I sighed as I gritted my teeth trying not to explode on the spot. "Well obviously he didn't", I snarled trying to get past my small petite mom.

"What has been going on with you two anyways?", she questioned letting out a huff.

I rolled my eyes ignoring my mom's question before stalking my way to the stairs. All I wanted was a nice cool shower with the 1975 playing lightly in the back round. Was that so hard to ask?

By the time I got to the top of the steps I heard my mom's heavy feet pounding up behind me. I groaned loudly whipping around to face whatever shit she was going to whine about now.

"I'm going to work. Matt is coming over-", she paused looking at her watch. "In like 10 minutes", she pursed her lips.

"What why?". I didn't want to see him at the moment. I was mad, better yet I was fuming. I'm done with his shit.

"He called just now saying he had to talk to about something. I don't know", her brown eyes budged out of her head.

I nodded walking into my room without another word being spoken. I might as well wait to take a shower considering dick head is coming over. I sat on the desk chair running through the possibilities on how this conversation would go.

I'm tired of his sly talk getting into my head. I won't forgive him this time no matter what the circumstances are. Unless he has a valid reason why he couldn't pick me up I don't want to hear anything he has to say.

"Y/N Matt's here!", my brother Leo hollered from downstairs.

I took a sharp breath before telling him to send Matt upstairs. I was beyond nervous on how this was going to go. Either I would be putty in his hands or he will leave losing me as a friend if he doesn't get his shit together.

The door creaked open to show a boy with bags and his hair flat to his forehead. His face was pale as if he just killed a man. Matt took his lip in between his teeth looking stressed.

"Hey Y/N", he shyly spoke walking deeper into my small room.

"Hi", I mumbled before swiveling the chair around so my back was to him.

"Ah what's up?", he awkwardly spoke. I could already imagine him scratching the back of his neck like he always does when he is nervous.

"Oh I just ran 4 miles from the school to my house? How about you?", I faked a grin spitting at him with venom. I just wish it would poison him sometimes.

Matt knotted his eyebrows together trying to put together the puzzle pieces until his face flushed. "Uh Y/N I completely forgot", he groaned rubbing his big hand across his face.

"You always forget Matt! Ever since that bet it completely changed you!", I scoffed.

Matt slammed his hands on my desk before pulling at the ends of his hair. "Look I'm sorry okay! I was with Margret and we got into his huge fight-".

"That's why you came to me isn't it?", I bitterly laughed interrupting him.

"Well yeah?", he spoke as if it was the obvious. "She was making out with Jack last night and we got into this huge fight."

I stared in awe not fully comprehending what he was saying. He came to my house to talk about him and Margret. Not even to apologize for leaving me at the school.

"Somehow you managed for me to lose more respect for you", I laughed turning around. My eyes began to brim with tears. If he saw I was crying I would be a goner.

"What do you mean lose respect? I thought you were okay about this whole bet thing?", he touched my shoulder.

I shook his hand off already missing the zapping sensation I felt whenever we touched. Violently tears poured out of my eyes. I had to stay strong this time.

"Look around Matt?! You always talked about how a man should treat his girl right. When you're such a hypocrite! You are so oblivious by your actions it sick", I screamed feeling my face grow hot.

Matt stepped back processing my words before his eyes turned into coal and I knew something bad was going to happen.

"Damn it Y/N! I know I fucking know! I screwed up?! Why can't you just forgive me", he shouted.

My heart pounded blocking my ears from hearing the lies. Everything was just a game, a bet to him. I couldn't do it anymore.

"Matt I'm not your rebound girl", I defended knowing he'd be back with Margret tonight.

"Jesus I'm not using you!? Why can't you understand that?", he grabbed my face with his big hands.

"I think you should leave", I pushed his touched away once again.

Matt's face turned even more pale as my words struck him in the heart. He was gone as quick as he came. And I could have swore I heard him whisper 'I love you Y/N".

Part one of rebound girl! 😋 I've had this idea for awhile and part of this imagine happened in my life with one of my guy friends.

Hope you liked this!

I love you all so so so so so much ❤️ cya next update.

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