Nerf Guns

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[ Matt's P.O.V. ]

I sighed stepping onto my porch that lead to the house me and Missy lived in. Once I got a acting job we both moved out here, to California. I was lucky to have her by my side. She helped me through so much.

Right before I was ready to walk inside my house I saw a note by a nerf gun. What is this? I looked closer reading the note. It read...


Welcome home. I'm hiding in the house with a nerf gun, here is the other one...


May the odds be ever in your favor.



I shook my head lightly smiling to myself. This is what I loved about her, even though we're both 20 she still knew how to have fun. Even if it was a child's game. I crumbled up the paper sticking it in my pocket.

Quietly I opened the front door as it made a eery squeak. I kicked my vans off tip toeing to the staircase. Missy had to be in our room, I know her too well.

She was probably hiding underneath our bed and I've got the perfect way of getting her. If I tip toe quietly enough into the room and get on top of the bed I can scare her. It's the perfect plan.

Once I got to our room I made sure to carefully open and shut the door. I went over to the bed laying down getting ready to pop out at her.

[ Missy's P.O.V. ]

I saw Matthew laying down on the bed. Little did he know I wasn't underneath the bed. I was smart this time so I hid in the closet. I was definitely not going to lose.

I started to giggle but quickly put my hand over my mouth. Hopefully Matt didn't hear me. But I was wrong and he did. I saw him stand up getting a evil grin. Shit. Not again.

I couldn't lose, I always lose. Nice going Missy. You practically had this in the bag until you messed it up.

"Looks like you gave yourself away again", Matt shouted opening the closet door pelting me with nerd bullets.

I squealed trying to shoot him back. But my nerf gun froze as two bullets got stuck. I got up quickly running into our room, but epically failing by falling down.

"Okay Matt I think you got me!", I put my hands up in surrender.

He stopped, laughing at me sitting on the floor with nerf bullets surrounding me. I sighed in defeat, once again I lost.

"I guess you have to cook and the odds were in my favor once again", he kept laughing.

"No fair you cheated", I pouted crossing my arms.

"I didn't cheat! You gave yourself away!", he offered his hand to help me up.

I brushed his offer off standing up pushing past him. It wasn't funny. I actually wanted to beat him for once.

"Awe Missy don't be a poor sport. You know you love me", he chase after me.

"I just wanted to beat you in something. And yeah of coarse", I laughed hugging him. Matt knows I can't stay made at him long.

"I know but we all know you're not the most athletic", he kissed my forehead.

I shook my head in agreement. I really never was that athletic. I usually enjoyed eating and watching Netflix all day.

"Now c'mon babe I will help you. How about that?", he smiled pulling away.

I nodded my head bitting my lip. I gave him a quick peck on the lips before running downstairs to the kitchen.

I truly love Matthew more then anything. Our relationship was special. Words cannot describe how lucky I am.

And for once I knew what I won that Matt didn't. Which was Matt himself. I won Matt and he was mine. Only mine.


Hope you enjoyed @fallmyfav! Sorry if it was bad.

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