Ice cream

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Alright so this imagine is for @espinosaslut! I hope you enjoy it :) Btw you should go check out some of her works, since she is one of my favorite accounts on here!

[ Summer's P.O.V. ]

Finally school was over! I was out of that hell hole for 3 months. My best friend Matt and I were going to this ice cream place to celebrate. Whenever we were little our parents would take us here on the last day of school. Besides he was leaving for tour soon too. I really was going to miss him. Matthew helped me through so much. From bullying all the way up to losing my mom two years ago. I could never ever repay him.

"Ayeeee Summer are you glad summer is finally here!", Matt came shouting up behind me laughing.

Ha your hilarious. -_-

"That was stupid. It wasn't even funny", I smirked trying to hide my laughing.

"I thought it was pretty funny actually", he wrapped his arm around me.

"Your so immature. Your like 3", I giggled.

"Yeah being mature isn't fun!!! Immature is better", he stuck his tongue out like a little kid.

"How does your fans even like you? Your a loser!", I joked.

"A pretty hot loser."

"Nah a pretty ugly one", I grinned.

"Hey that isn't nice", he pouted.

"Aweeee does the wlittle baby need his mommy", I laughed pinching his cheeks.

"Stopppp it", he whined blushing.

Matt and I talked and goofed off until we reached Scoopers. They seriously had the best ice cream on earth. I really loved this place. Matt always got vanilla with rainbow sprinkles while I got chocolate with chocolate sprinkles. We went over to sit on the bench that we always sat at. Which was right under this tall oak tree by the mini golf coarse.

"This is so good", he licked his lips.

"Mhm", I mumbled to bust savoring the taste of my ice cream.

Once Matt and I finished over ice cream cones we sat there is silence. It was weird considering Matt never shuts the hell up. I look over to see him staring at me with longing eyes.

"Is there something one my face", I blushed quickly wiping all around my mouth.

Matt snapped out of his thoughts looking down at his hands on his lap. "No no it's nothing", he spoke quietly.

"Just tell me", I laughed hitting his shoulder.

"It's just that... Now since I'm going on tour with Magcon and stuff... I'm afraid that we will lose connection... That we will lose our friendship. And I was thinking that maybe I shouldn't go", he rushed out quickly.

"Matt look at me", I pleaded. But he didn't look. "Matt look at me", I said more sternly grabbing his face so he was facing me. "Listen we won't lose connection. Are you crazy? Just cuz my best friend is going on tour and is going to become more famous and have a bunch of girls scream over him, that doesn't mean we won't talk every day. I'm so happy for you! You accomplished so much in so little time. You need this. Hell you deserve this", I smiled.

"Thanks Summer. Your the best! And I love you for that", he laughed hugging me tightly.

We hugged for a long time before pulling away. But Matt quickly peck my cheek.

"You missed", I smiled.

"What do you mean?", he asked blushing.

"You missed my lips", I smiled before I leaned in.

Our lips instantly molded together into one. It was slow, soft and meaningful. Not slobbery and wet almost to the point of chocking one another. The kiss was sweet. Like we were putting all our feelings for one another into this kiss. We pulled away after a minute. He rested his forehead against mine looking into my eyes.

"I love you Summer. It's crazy on how much I love you. Your funny, weird, beautiful, caring, supportive, and let's not forget a bully sometimes. But your perfect to me and that's why I love you", he smiled that cute little smile of his.

"I love you too Matt. I'm lucky to have you in my life. You've helped me a lot in life and I don't know where I would be without you", I giggled pecking his lips.

And then I fully noticed on how truly lucking I was to have Matt. Because Matthew Lee Espinosa was perfect in my eyes. That is all what matters to me.

The end :)


Authors Note:

Again I hope you enjoyed this! Sorry if it sucked I really am. Haha cuz for some reason I feel like it's not good enough.

Anyways guys don't forget to go check out @espinosaslut's stories! Their really good!!!

Comment & vote please!

Love you ;)

Matthew Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now