I never knew

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Hope you enjoy this @mattsfanfics_ !

I took one last good look in the mirror looking pleased with myself. I wore a black crop top with studded white short jeans. My long hair fell down my back almost reaching my butt since I straightened my hair. For my makeup I wore some mascara, top eyeliner, and concealer. I was physically ready, just not mentally.

"Hey Lacey are you ready?", my best friend Matt called knocking lightly on the door. I turned flashing him a fake smile and nodding my head.

"Matthew do I look okay?", I asked playing with my fingers nervously. I wanted to look good because normally I'm in sweats and oversized t shirts.

"You honestly look beautiful", he smiled looking me in the eyes. I blushed thanking him before I followed him out to his car.

The car ride to the party was silent, but not in a weird way. More in a comfortable way. Finally we arrived at the party. I coughed as a cloud of smoke hit me in the face on the way in.

Lights danced around the ceilings as loud music blared throughout the house. Timidly I followed behind Matt waving lightly at people I knew. We made it to the back of the house where it was less crowed.

"Yo what's up man!", Matt's friend Cameron yelled doing some sort of handshake with him. I smiled as he hugged me and kissed my cheek. I always loved Cam, he was one of the sweetest of Matt's friends.

"I'm glad you two could make it!", he spoke leading Matt and I to the backyard. I stood on my tippy toes to look over there shoulders, finding a group of people sitting in the circle.

I shot Matt a confused look as to what the hell we were doing. "It's truth or dare... We don't have to play if you don't want too", he whispered in my ear. As placed his hand on the lower part of back to guide me over to the group of people.

"No it's okay I want too", I shook my head confidently as Matt and I sat in the circle.

The game started and I still didn't get called on. I was ready to leave out of boredom until someone called my name. I looked up to make contact with crystal blue eyes.

"Lacey truth or date?", Nash asked.

"Dare", I spoke with determination.

"I dare you to drink a whole bottle of vodka", he smirked taking out the bottle. I gulped as I grabbed it. I never drank before.

"Chug chug chug", the group chanted all except for Matt. Who clenched his jaw angrily at Nash.

I closed my eyes uncapping the bottle bringing it to my lips. I took a sip feeling it burn as it went down my throat. I ignored the horrible taste chugging it. With each gulp I felt my mind start to fog up and my thoughts disappear.

I finished the bottle not remembering where I was. I looked around the circle as everyone looked at me with surprise. I smiled feeling pleased with myself. I turned to my right looking at Matt, I think.

"Lacey it's me Matt. I think it's best we go home", he stood up trying to pick me up. I whined trying to push him away, but failed miserably.

"I don't want to go", I slurred as he dragged me out to the car. "I don't care what you want. You are drunk", he hissed picking me up.

I groaned as he set me down in the passengers seat and slammed the car door besides me. He got in running his hands through his hair as he punched the steering wheel.

"What the fuck!", I spat. "Why are we leaving!?".

"Lacey you're fucking drunk! I'm taking you home", he growled turning the ignition on.

"I don't want to leave", I slurred grabbing his hand.

"Let go!", he yelled trying to push me away.

"No!", I shouted angrily with tears coming out of my eyes. But I couldn't he was stronger.

"Why are you doing this?", his voice cracked as he grabbed my wrist. I stared back at his sudden change of action.

Matt sighed letting go of my wrists, hiding his face in hands. I sat back in my seat feeling my head pound. "I'm sorry", I rubbed his back lightly.

"Lacey you have to promise not to drink again", he looked at me tiredly.

I shook my head not even remembering what I was agreeing too. I looked at him. Matt looked so hot. I want to kiss him. I wanted him. I leaned him as our lips were centimeters away. I crashed my lips onto his as we kissed. But he quickly pulled away.

"I can't. You are drunk. It's not right", he looked down shamefully.

"Oh...", I sighed closing my eyes wishing for my headache to go away.

"But I will when you are not drunk. I really like you. And I'm pretty sure you will forget that, but I will tell you again tomorrow", he laughed kissing me on the head.

I smiled back not remembering anything that night, except for the fact that my best friend and I are dating now.

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