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[ Ashley's P.O.V ]

I tossed and turned in bed groaning. I couldn't get comfortable. Either I was to hot or to cold. I stretched my arm helplessly looking for Matt's warm body next to me, but finding nothing. I knotted my eyebrows falling onto my back. Where is he? I rubbed my temples with exhaustion running through my veins. It was 2:56 in the morning.

I heard a bang from downstairs making a inference that it was came from the kitchen. I jetted upwards in the bed and swung my feet to the side of it. I stood up rubbing a hand across my face while my feet waddled across the wooden floors.

The previous night Matt and I went to a party at Nash's and didn't get home until 2 in the morning. Instantly I fell asleep, but later woke up wondering where he was.

"Matthew babe? Is that you?", my voice came out stressed. No response.

I grabbed the railing of the stairs noticing the light was on in the kitchen. I rolled my eyes hearing another bang in the kitchen. Slowly I made my way closer to the noise. I stopped abruptly seeing Matt crying fiercely as he tried to clean up broken glass.

"Matt?", I croaked as his eyes darted to me with worry hidden behind them. "What's wrong?".

"Nothing!", he spat with a hoarse voice cutting his finger on glass. He winced as more tears gradually streamed down his cheeks.

I rushed over making him stand up so I could clean his cut. He crossed his eyebrows tightly biting his lip while I washed it out. I never saw Matt cry so this was all foreign to me. Bandaging his finger I guided him into the living room. I would clean the glass up later.

"Baby please don't cry", I wiped his cheeks which made him smile a little.

"Ashley I-I can't stop", he stumbled across his words hiding his head in the crook of my neck. Instantly I cradled him running circles on his back.

It was weird considering he was always supporting me, but now it was my time to help him. "What's wrong?", I cooed hugging him.

"The hate-e I-I can't take it-t anymore", he balled trying to calm down. I felt my stomach drop to my feet.

For the past month he has been receiving unimaginable hate. At first I was concerned and confronted about the whole situation. Matt told me not to worry and that everything would be alright. The thing is though it's not 'alright'. He was always down; whenever I would try and talk about he'd change the subject.

"I love you. Your fans love you! The people hating means nothing. I think you should take a break", I kissed his head looking into his red blood shot eyes. I didn't know what else to do except hold him close.

Matt started calming down where he was only sniffling now and then. "I suppose. Then I'll have to worry about my fans wanting content", he ran his hands through his hair with despair.

I frowned taking a double take of what he just said. "Screw that Matthew. You health is more important than releasing a video each week", I hissed feeling pissed off.

"Well yeah I know. Not all fans are like that though. Most do truly genuinely care", he mumbled playing with his fingers. "It's just I don't want to let them down", he bowed his head hiding deeper into himself.

"You won't if you just tell them. If your honest with them they'll understand. Just don't give them some bullshit lie", I spoke truthfully.

"They will leave me", he stubbornly groaned.

I shook my head hastily not believing a word he was saying one bit. I tried grabbed Matt's face, but he pulled away. "Look at me", I sternly spoke. Weakly he turned his head resting his smooth face to my rough hand.

"I love you", I paused making sure he got that through his head. "True fans will always stay. The only ones you have to worry about leaving is the fake ones", I paused again speaking slowly. "We will both be here to support whatever decision you make".

Simply he nodded staring at the ground in trance. I huffed standing up slumping to the mess of a kitchen. Two big hands laced their fingers around my waist causing me to screech to a halt.

"I'm sorry. Just stay with me for a little bit longer", he begged showing me his big chocolate brown eyes.

With how much I love him the only answer I could reply with was yes. So I followed him over to the sofa cozily cuddling into his chest. He was always so warm and protective. "Why was there broken glass anyways?", I raised a eyebrow.

"I was getting cereal. And got frustrated because there was no milk", he smiled letting out a chuckle.

I snorted shaking my head. "You are a girl when it comes to certain things", I admitted.

"And what does that mean?", he shot back defensively pretending to roll his eyes.

"Only a girl would eat when they are upset", I joked pecking his cheek.

"You missed".

Before I could speak my lips were attacked by Matt's. I kissed back loving the tingly feeling I got whenever our lips touched. I raked my hand through his hair as we both smiled into the kiss. Slowly he pulled away looking at me with lust. I shook my head laying back down on his chest earning a heavy sigh from him.

"I love you too Ashley", was the last thing I heard before falling asleep to his heart beat.

Hope you enjoyed this toxicmatthew !! ☺️

I should be updating another imagine for the person that requested one a bit ago. I just was thinking of a better way to write it because the first scenario sucked.

Follow my twitter: @mattsmarsh 💜

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