Chivalry Isn't Dead

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Chapter Two:

I sat at the bar while he cooked. He wouldn't let me help in any way. I'd put on the shirt he'd given me the night before and I was patiently waiting for him to finish cooking breakfast. Damn, doesn't this guy have any flaws? He's chivalrous and a gentleman and could cook. Whether he was good or not had yet to be determined, but I was eager to find out.

He poured us each a glass of orange juice and served me a plate of food. I thanked him and ate the delicious bacon, eggs, and toast. He was a good cook.

"So, I take it that since you slept in the bed with me, that there isn't a girlfriend I have to worry about?" I asked him, attempting to make conversation, while voicing my worries as well. He laughed and shook his head.

"No, I don't really do the whole dating thing. My job's too complicated for that. I tend to spend a lot of time doing it and most women don't like that."

"Well, relationships require a lot of time and dedication. Something that you and I can't afford to do, I guess."

"Most of the women I tend to attract are crazy jealous and think I'm off cheating on them when I'm really at work. I do mostly freelance work and whatever hours they ask, I tend to jump right on it. Not something a lot of women like to have to deal with."

"Well, we all do what we have to in order to earn a paycheck." He nodded and I finished my breakfast. "That was delicious."

"Thanks. I like to think I have some skills when it comes to cooking." He shrugged and I smiled.

"I really should be getting home. Izzy will kill me for not finding her last night. She's probably worried about me. I swear that girl thinks she's my surrogate mother or something." He laughed and stood up. I followed and gathered my things from his bedroom. I waited for him to put on some clothes and then we walked out of his house. I was barefoot as I walked across the porch.

"Are you okay? I can carry you to the car, if you want me to," he offered. I laughed at his sweetness.

"I think someone just wants to put his hands on this," I said, with laughter in my voice, and winked at him. He smiled at me and rubbed the back of his neck.

"That isn't the whole reason. I really don't want you to hurt yourself."

"It's alright, but thank you anyway." I continued to his car. I smiled as he opened the door for me. He's a real gentleman.


Jaxon's POV:

"Hey, honey, Sebastian finally has a girl over," Julia called to me. I rolled my eyes. As much as I love her, I really don't like how nosy she is. She's always watching our neighbors from the front window.

"Julia, hun, I don't think he would appreciate you staring at him when he brings over his first girl," I advised her.

"Isn't that....? Oh my gosh! It's Venus! He's sleeping with Venus! Maybe I can get him to get her autograph for me," she squealed. I jumped up and walked to the window and sure enough there she was. Venus was talking and laughing with Sebastian. I could even see that she was wearing one of Sebastian's favorite shirts; according to Julia, it's his favorite. They walked to his car; he opened the door for her and she seemed to love that.

I wasn't sure what it was about her, she just seemed so much like Raven but it couldn't be her. Could it? No, because Raven would have recognized me the moment she saw me. I couldn't have changed that much in the past few years. Could I?

"That's so freaking sweet! Why don't you ever do that for me?" Julia asked me. I shook my head.

"Because you're capable of opening a door yourself. It's not like I never do it, I just don't do it all the time and I bet he doesn't either. He's just being polite," I told her. She huffed and walked off. I watched as Sebastian drove off with Venus. No, it couldn't be Raven. She would have mentioned something to me about being a big time rockstar.

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