To Be Or Not To Be...An Actress?

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Chapter One:

I stared at my phone and hit the back button. I couldn't do it. I couldn't call that number. I highly doubted it was even the same one after all these years. In the past few years, he hadn't called me, not once. I figured what I had told him had stuck. Or he really was just calling to reprimand me. I stared at the only picture I'd ever managed to take of Jaxon Winters. It was from the last time we ever slept together, the morning after, I believe.

"You've been staring at your phone for ages already, Rave. Call him." I looked up at Isabella.

I had filled her in on my life story and told her all about the man that broke my heart. I was completely over Skylar, but still mostly pining for the Jaxon Winters. Years later and I was still in the dark about his life. So, there I sat with Isabella in my apartment, on my couch, staring at my cellphone, debating on whether I should call Jaxon or not. It rang in my hands and Mia's name popped on the screen.

"Hello, Mimi, how are you doing," I greeted my friend. We hadn't talked all week. What with being on tour, I was far too busy.

"I'm just great. We finally set a date and nothing's going to stop us this time. I still want you to be there and sing. You guys can come right?" She was frantic. I knew she was aware of my schedule, but I still hadn't told her about potentially becoming an actress, I just couldn't tell her with all she had been through already.

You see, Mia and Caleb had been having a few (actually, many) set backs to their wedding. First, it was Gabriel's fiance, Kali, going into labor. Kali and Mia were on better terms than she and I were at the time, it happened when they were dress shopping. That set them back a week. Then Henry moved to Paris and they helped plan the surprise party for him and that set them back a whole month. Then Devlin had her first showing at some gallery. She became a photographer and she had used Reese a lot to model for her. He was now a very sought after model. Anyway, that set them back again. Then, Ashton and Sara had their wedding, which wasn't that big, and that was another set back. They had also been roped into helping Helena open up her little bakery on the main street in town. Finally tired of all the set backs, they had put it off and focused on getting a house together, instead, and now they'd finally set a date.

The rest of the gang were onto more adult lives. I didn't hear from Walker much because he'd moved back to Australia. Zane had followed Reese's footsteps and become a model as well. He was now allegedy dating a fellow model, Izzy knew who she was but I didn't. Mason had gone on to attend college and was now working at his father's "firm," doing what, I couldn't be sure. Dane and Andrew were working at a club as bouncers together and whenever I was in town I would always be sure to spend most nights there. Alexander was still traveling the world trying to discover himself. He would check in with me every now and then either via phone or letter. Kali and Gabe, apparently, now have a total of three kids and are doing fine, or so I'm told. I'm happy that everyone's doing their own thing and that we all manage to stay in touch.

"Well, it'll be after your birthday. I'm so excited about it. You'll be getting an official invitation in the mail within the week. You better be able to make it, chica," Mia demanded. I smiled.

"Of course, it's your wedding. Wild horses couldn't keep me away," I told her.

"What about wild fans? They seem to keep your attention these days." I shook my head at her words.

"Well, after the tour's over then you'll have nothing to worry about, Mimi," I said.

"Well, good. Tell Izzy I said hi," she said to me. They didn't really know each other well, but they'd met once before.

"She said hi back," I told her. Izzy smiled at me and then went back to texting her flavor of the night. She was planning on making me live up my time off. I couldn't argue with her because I had no other plans.

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