Awkwardness At Dinner

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Chapter Thirty-Five:

The second knock on the door was Lucas and Keanu and we were both escorted downstairs to the dining room. It was gorgeously done and there were several tables with place cards at them. I sighed when I saw that Mia hadme and Keanu sitting at a table with Jaxon and Kori.

It was going to be an awkward night. It was mainly due to Kadin and Rose getting along so brilliantly. In fact, Mia divulged that Rose had requested that Kadin be sat with her and Kim had asked that Keanu and I sit with her, so it went on from there. I sighed as I sat down.

Kori came down before Jaxon did and started up a conversation with Kadin about his job as a computer programmer. It was only when Jaxon joined us that she decided to strike up a conversation with me.

The first course was set out in front of us. It was a salad and I picked at it. I wasn't sure what it was about the croutons I didn't like, but my salad was filled with them. I put them on a smaller bread plate. Yes, Mia had gone all out for this dinner. Classy lady, that one.

"You aren't going to eat those," Jaxon asked me. He was seated on my left and Keanu was on my right. It was almost like a boy girl thing going but Rose and Kori were seated next to each other without a man between them, breaking the chain. I shook my head in response and he pulled the plate closer to himself and began to eat them.

"So, Raven, where do you work," Kori asked, silencing the table. She was the only one who didn't know what I did for a living. I wasn't sure I could trust her with my secret either. I decided with this girl, that vague would be the best approach.

"I'm in between jobs at the moment," I said. I vaguely remember saying almost the same thing with Jaxon, which led him to assume the worst about my life. With Kori, though, I didn't care what she thought of me.

"Oh, really? Jaxon told me about how you were accepted to all these amazing, prestigious schools, but that you turned them down. Why'd you do that? Didn't you want to be a doctor or something like that," she asked me, curiously. I glanced at Jaxon, who was staring down at his plate, which still had salad on it minus the croutons. When did he tell her about my entire life? When did he have the time?

"What the--," I started but she cut me off.

"We were talking about the inspiration for his movie and you came up. I asked what happened after high school and he gave me bits and pieces, but he said if I wanted to know more then I should ask you," Kori informed me. I nodded in understanding. I was starting to wonder what Kori did for a living. She was sounding more and more like a reporter than anything.

"Well, during high school, Jaxon and the guys got me really into singing and Mimi convinced me to sing at the school talent show. It was something I liked and decided to pursue," I told her.

"Why haven't I heard anything sung by you," she asked, interested.

"Maybe you haven't been looking hard enough," I asked. I'd done songs on my own, so it wouldn't be hard to find, but with all the hype of Venus Sways, my solo music fell in the background and people seemed to forget about just me. I was okay with that, though.

"I'm sure. You said you're between jobs, does that mean your dreams didn't come true and that you didn't make it in the music business," she asked me.

"Well, my dream was to become a doctor, but things changed and my goals when I graduated were different. My new goal was to have a few hit singles in my solo career and then stumble upon a struggling band to join up and help them make it big; eventually becoming one of the most popular rock groups in my time. I wanted to become so popular that I'd be forced to wear ridiculous disguises in public, so that every normal day for me was actually more like Halloween. Then I wanted to be chased around by crazy, obsessed fans, who attempt to kill me. Then the cherry on top of it all, I knew I'd want the media to constantly misconstrue my everyday life and make ridiculous assumptions about my love life. But, sadly, I haven't lived the dream yet." I sighed, over exaggeratedly.

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