Any Suggestions?

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Chapter Three:

Chris explained to me that he wasn't stalking me, per say. He just happened to be a fan and he was coming to visit his mother, who lives in the same building. When he saw me get in the elevator as well, he was eager to meet me but panicked and just spazzed out instead.

After more apologizing, he left to go and see his mother, who had called him, worried that something had happened. I'd signed an autograph for both of them and he gave me his number, just in case I wanted a date to the wedding. I smiled at his sweet gesture and was glad to have met him, even given the odd circumstances.

I showered and was already exhausted by lunch. I went out to eat with Izzy and she told me all about her night. She said she went looking for me but saw me with a total stud and just left with her piece of tail for the night.

"I can't believe you left me like that," I told her.

"He seemed nice, with the way he was admiring you," she said with a shrug.

"Well, I may not ever see him again. He's a very busy guy. His name's Sebastian and he was so nice," I told her.

"Well, you should be getting busy, too. Don't you have some songs you should be writing?"

I nodded. I sent a mass text to the guys in the band and asked them if they had written anything new. I got a call from Gage, our lead guitarist, and I answered it.

"Hello, my love." I answered the way I always do with the band guys.

"I have a few half written songs and Eric and Rob have one that they wrote together," he told me. Eric's our drummer and Robin, Rob for short, is the bassist. They were more dedicated to the beat than the words of our songs and so Gage and I chose to leave it to them. Lyrics were mine and Gage's thing. We were kind of a team when it came to writing song lyrics.

"When do you want to meet up?"

"I'll be back in town in a couple of days. I'll come by your place then?" he suggested.

"Sounds like a plan, love," I said.

"Talk to you later then. Bye," he said, sounding a little occupied with something.

"Bye," I said and hung up. "Happy, now?" I asked Izzy.

"Ecstatic. Now let's get going," she pulled me up by my hand and pulled me along with her.


Shopaholic. That's what Isabella Clark is. I guess, when just about everything looks good on you, then you're bound to love shopping. Me, I still hate it just as much as I used to. Unfortunately, I pick friends that love doing it but hate to do it alone. This only leaves me in a bind because I have to go with my friend to shop or risk my life to her wrath. Damn.

So, Isabella shopped and I? Well, I complained, a lot. Did it stop her or make her send me home? Not in the slightest. What we were looking for, I wasn't sure, but I did know that she was bound and determined to cheer me up. I'd told her about Jaxon and his girlfriend and she'd given me advice and suggestions. Her advice was to get over him and move on, now that he had, I could too. Her suggestions? A booty call and that was how we ended up talking about my cute stalker boy, Chris, and then Sebastian.

"Look at this, it's cute." She held up a piece of cloth because that's all it was. That thing wasn't enough to cover much of any body, much less mine.

"I don't think going as Tarzan's wife would give out the right message. I want to say 'I'm sexy and single' not 'Here I am, come and assault me'," I told her.

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