A Lot On My Mind

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Chapter Thirty-Six:

I looked down at the counter and heard her footsteps follow behind me.

"What's the matter," Mia asked me. I shrugged. I really didn't know what Keanu's issue was, but he'd asked and I'd been honest with him. If it wasn't what he wanted to hear, then he shouldn't have asked.

"I just let Keanu in on my history and he blew a gasket. I don't know what his deal is. Something's going on between Jaxon and Keanu, though. Hell, I didn't even know they were friends. I thought Keanu was just an employee to him, like I was," I told her.

"I didn't know that either, but Jaxon's been super secretive since the whole Julia fiasco," she told me. I nodded, even though I wasn't aware of that. "Look, Caleb and I have some news for everyone and I'd like everyone to be in there, especially you," she told me. I could see a sadness in her eyes and I wasn't sure what she was hiding from me. I just nodded and walked into the dining room after her.

"Well, now that everyone's back in here. Caleb and I have some news. Now, it's not exciting news or even good news, but you're all friends and family to us and we'd like you to know what's been going on with us," Mia said. She was about to continue, but had to sit down. She looked like she was in a great amount of pain. Caleb stood and began to talk.

"This is very hard for us to say, especially since it wasn't too long ago that we got married. We went to the doctor for Mia's annual check up and they found some abnormalities that they looked into. Long story short. Mia has the first stage of ovarian cancer. It's unlikely that she'll ever be able to have children as she might need to surgically remove the cancer. Now, we've always dreamt of having children of our own and we'll try to save whatever eggs we can, but Raven, we have something very important to ask you," Caleb said turning to me. Mia stood up and slowly made her way over to me.

"Raven, my dear sister, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye and we've been through hard and difficult times with each other, but you're my family. I'd like to ask this of you and I know it's an enormous amount to ask of you, but will you consider being a surrogate for me," Mia asked me.

You could hear a pin drop in the silence that had engulfed the dining room. I stared into the bright eyes of my best friend. I couldn't decide what to do but I knew that I loved her like a sister and I would do just about anything for her. But did that include something like this? I wasn't sure. I just knew that she wanted, no, needed my help and I couldn't bring myself to say no to her. I loved her too much to see her upset because of something she couldn't control.

"Mimi, I don't know what to say," I told her honestly.

"It's okay, Rave. Take your time and think about it. We don't have to do anything right now. This a huge responsibility and we wouldn't accept anything less than complete certainty," Caleb said, holding his wife in his arms.

"I'll think about it," I told him. I wouldn't be able to think about anything else.

"Okay! Karaoke time," yelled Devlin from the back somewhere. I sighed.

I wasn't in the mood to sing. I needed to think about what I was going to do. I wasn't sure I was in any place to help grow a kid. I couldn't very well stay in Texas for a full ten months, that was for sure. I did want to help her, though. It wasn't like I could stand by while she suffered. Everyone made their way into the living room, where the karaoke system was set up. I went outside to get some much needed fresh air. I stared up at the stars and wondered what I should do.

"Are you okay?" I turned to look at Jaxon. I guess Keanu was still mad about everyhing. I sighed.

"I don't know. I know I'd help her in any way I could, but..." I said. I couldn't finish the thought.

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