New Friends

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Kimberly got me to sign pretty much every piece of Venus Sways merch that she owned and Kadin filled me in on why she was there with him. He told me that their parents had passed away about a year previous and he had offered to take his sister in until she finished with high school. He's a real sweetheart. While he was at meetings and helping his grandpa with the shop, he had hired Rosa to help out with things around the condo and they had settled into a routine. Sadly, Kimberly didn't take too kindly to Kadin dating anyone she wasn't fond of and thus, would run out any female prospects. She was a stubborn fifteen year old, but she adorned Venus Sways.

He admitted to me that he only let her run his love life because he felt that she came before anyone else and if the girls couldn't handle that then they weren't worth his time. I couldn't help but thank the Lord that there were selfless people like him the world. I could only imagine what would have become of Kimberly if Kadin hadn't taken her in.

"You're such a good brother," I told him as I watched Kimberly walk off with her signed items. She was a joy to be around and I could see why he loved her so much he was willing to give up dating altogether.

"Yeah, well, it's what my parents would have wanted," he said as he watched her walk off.

"I'm an only child, but if I had a brother like you then things probably would have turned out a lot differently for me," I told him.

"How so," he asked. I shrugged. Kimberly came bounding into the living room with a magazine in her hand.

"Is it true that you are going to be in a movie," she asked me, excitedly.

"Yeah, we are in the middle of filming it," I told her. Her eyes got wide and I knew what was coming.

"Could you take me to meet Lucas Rush and Keanu Turner," she asked me, "They are my all time favorite actors."

"Kimberly, that is beyond rude," Kadin told her.

"No, it's fine. I'll have to ask my boss, but I'm sure I can work something out. Maybe Kadin would like to come with," I asked. He smiled at me and gave a slight nod.

My phone rang and I jumped as the phone was in my back pocket. I pulled it out and smiled. Speak of the devil and he will call.

"Hello, boss," I said and Kimberly got a perky expression on her face.

"Where the hell are you? Sebastian and Keanu are at my house and they are freaking out," he informed me.

"I'm fine, Jaxon. Tell them not to get their panties in a twist. I'm just at a friend's house," I said.

"What friend, Raven? You have no friends here besides us," came Bastian's voice.

"Shouldn't you be tending your jealous girlfriend, Bastian," I told him.

"I would be, but my job is to make sure you are safe and sound, which comes first," he told me.

"Yeah, well, I'm fine. Jaxon, I have something so ask you," I told him. I heard the phone being picked up and then his voice sounded louder and less echo-y.

"What is it," he asked me, gruffly.

"Well, I was wondering if it would be okay to bring a couple of friends to the set," I asked.

"What kind of friends," he asked.

"What does that matter? You let Lucas bring Izzy to the set all the time. I don't think I should get questioned for my choice in friends," I huffed. He sighed and I could just picture him rubbing his face in aggravation.

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