A Long Awaited Vacation

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Chapter Forty-Three:

Keanu is the WORST person to spend an entire fifteen hour flight with. Yes, you heard me right. FIFTEEN HOURS. We took the earliest flight out of Texas and got to New Zealand in fifteen hours.

His bright idea of a hot vacation spot was Kaikoura, New Zealand. It was a long flight and I tried to sleep most of the time, but Keanu was a chatter box. When he wasn't talking my ear off, he was complaining to the flight attendant or signing autographs. I was stuck in my wig and contacts, so no one would recognize me.

I was exhausted but eventually he fell asleep and I passed out... on his shoulder, which he swore he wouldn't let me live down. He even managed to get a few pictures of me open-mouthed resting peacefully on him. After we got off the plane, we gathered our sparse luggage and caught a cab. We got to the lodge, which might I add was very Hollywood looking on the outside.

The place was called Mihorotia Boutique Bed and Breakfast and Keanu insisted he pay for the room. Yup, one room. He didn't discuss Aly with me, not once, and this idiot was getting us a single room with one large bed to share. Well, he better wise up because his ass was going to sleep on the floor or the couch. I wasn't going to be an accessory to cheating.

I followed him up to the room with my bags in hand and was in awe at the gorgeous four poster bed in the center. It was a beautiful room and I was more than excited to just jump in it and sleep, but it was still pretty early for that and I wanted to get this vacation on a roll. I looked at the brochures that the desk lady had given Keanu and wondered what to do first.

"Well, I'm starved, let's go and get some lunch," Keanu said. I smiled at him and pulled out the brochure.

"Um, Keanu, how do you feel about llamas," I asked him.


"I am never, NEVER letting you pick anything ever again, Raven," he yelled at me from beside his llama. The llama had taken an instant liking to Keanu and I thought it was hilarious.

"Hey, don't knock your fans. They come in all shapes and sizes and apparently species, too," I said, trying to stifle more laughter. It was hilarious because the llama kept getting distracted by Keanu's hair and it would keep trying to eat it.

"He doesn't like me, he likes my hair gel," he told me, pushing the llama away.

"Maybe, maybe not, or maybe it's your animal magnetism," I said, finally letting out a loud laugh. He glared at me and then the llama took its chance to get at his head again. I couldn't contain my guffaws because it was just a sight to see. A-list celebrity, Keanu Turner was getting his hair knawed on by a freaking llama.

It was an interesting experience and we even got to have a picnic along with the Llama Trek. It was very relaxing.

"Why do you care about Aly so much, Rave," Keanu suddenly asked as we sat on the blanket eating our lunch.

"I just think she's nice and deserves to be happy," I told him.

"She even thought it was weird that you forced me to talk to her," he told me.

"Oh yeah? Why's that," I asked him.

"Because she always saw you as her competition," he told me.

"Well, I'm not," I lied.

I liked Keanu enough to see myself dating his cocky ass, but this vacation wasn't about that. It was about having time to myself and Keanu was here to guard that specific self. He wasn't here to win my affections and we weren't here to discuss our future together. That wasn't in the cards for this vacation.

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