Like The Good Ol' Days

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Chapter Thirty-Nine:

I stood back, while the two idiots fought with each other. I didn't get why they were fighting because I knew that this wasn't a damn joust and they weren't going to win my hand for this stupidity. I backed away along with everyone else and decided to let them work it out the tough way.

I looked around at all the shocked faces and noticed a teary-eyed one. I walked around the group and hugged Kim close. I apologized for upsetting her and told her to go to bed. I didn't want her to see two grown ass men making fools of themselves.

Once she disappeared upstairs, I looked around the room again. I was wondering where Keanu was. What I found was a very curious Kori. She was recording the fight between my bodyguard and my ex-boss. I walked over to her and stood in front of the camera.

"What the hell?" She said before looking up to face me. I tiltled my head to the side.

"Give me the camera, Kori," I told her, holding out my hand.

I knew that Jaxon's reputation was pretty good and for a video of him in a fight to get out would do horrible things to his career. She pulled the camera back and shook her head at me.

"Not going to happen," she told me.

"It's going to happen the easy way or the hard way, Kori. Your choice," I told her.

"I say that I'm going to send this video to several magazines because honestly this is good stuff," she said and then turned to walk away.

That's how the second fight started.

"Get the eff back here, bitch," I yelled and grabbed her by her hair.

I pulled on it and she fell onto her back. I jumped on her and tried to pull the camera out of her grasp. She held it close and when presented with the opportunity, she bit my hand.

"You freaking slut-bag!" I yelled. That brought attention to our fight and the two guys were so tired, they turned their attention to us as well.

"Get off me, psycho," she yelled at me. Playing up the victim card. Nice one. Not!

"I will. As soon as I get that camera from your scrawny ass," I told her.

I finally got it free from her claw-like hands and got off of her. I'd raised the camera above my head to smash it on the ground, when she tackled me. I landed on my face and the camera slid across the floor. Caleb walked over to pick it up. Kori had my hair in one hand and my chin gripped in the other. I watched as Caleb lifted the camera and smashed it on the ground, much like I'd intended to do.

Jaxon pulled Kori off of me and they began to argue. Fight #3. They walked off. Well, Kori walked off and Jaxon followed her. She wasn't going to tell him what she was doing recording them. I didn't care to tell him either. He was really bad at picking women. I felt kind of bad for him, but he wasn't my problem. Not right now anyway. I had more important issues to deal with.

"So, you had sex with your bodyguard?" This was the question that I stood up to hear. I stopped brushing myself off and turned to face an angry Keanu. Fight #4 in the making?

"Funny because I don't see how that's any of your business," I told him.

"Of course it's my business," he insisted.

"Oh, really? Then enlighten me. Please," I told him, walking over to him, chest puffed out. I wasn't going to fold and he didn't look like he was either.

"We were on a date," he told me.

"Which you walked out on," I told him.

"I thought we were going somewhere," he told me.

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